
Can a teddy bear hamster ever adjust to sleeping at night and being awake in the morning? How?

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I know that hamsters are nocturnal I am not stupid, but i want to know if there is any possible way to make a hamster sleep at night. Please no dumb answers I know its a dumb question, but i really really want to know. please please help




  1. No.

    You just can't change their body clock. It's not the way they operate. If you want a diurnal pet, you should get a gerbil.

    EDIT: Gwen, gerbils are awake during both the day and the night, sleeping on and off throughout. Not technically diurnal, I suppose, but not nocturnal either. I've owned them too & done plenty of research.

  2. If you want a lot of answers, it might be better to go on this website, it's pretty reliable:

  3. I just bought a teddy bear hamster and I am kind of training her to sleep at night. I play with mine a lot in the day time and now she sleeps more at night. I don't really know why but I think it works, try it out.

  4. Courtney is correct. You cant change the sleeping patterns imbedded in an animal's DNA. No.

    You should get a gerbil, they dont bite as much in my opinion and they are awake during the day. (Mine were awake during the day and the night well perhaps it was dusk.. I was 12 it's fuzzy)

    Or a guinea pig! they are so vocal! and also awake during the day.

    Ferrets stink. RATS ARE GREAT PETS!!!! They are ready to play whever you are, and have more control over their bowel movements ie; you wont get peed on! Also very much smarter than hamsters/gerbils guniea pigs combined.

  5. I am sorry hun but by nature they are noctunal and you really can't change that. Maybe play with them during the day off and on but I really doubt it will change.

  6. Some can, some can't. It's like trying to potty train them. Some will get used to it and some will just sleep when they want.

    I would reccomend the slow change approach. Every day wake him up a bit earlier to play with him until he is waking up when you want him to. Only change it by, like, 5 minutes and take it really slow so you're not taking away too much nap time. And when you wake him up, watch your fingers. They are not all that happy when they're still tired. This should work. It' has worked with all of mine except one, but he was fat and lazy anyway.

  7. What are you saying?? Gerbils aren't diurnal. They're nocturnal, just like hamsters. I had a pair for years and we had to keep them at the other end of the house from the bedrooms because they were up digging and running around all night.

    A lot of rodents are naturally nocturnal, including BOTH hamsters and gerbils. It's ingrained in them and there's little chance of ever changing it.

  8. unfortunately no, you will have to put its cage in another room during the night.  

    If you have any more questions, you can always drop me a line anytime on

    Kind Regards

    Nadia Vella

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