
Can a teen guy have erectile dysfunction?

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Im 19 and I have been having a hard time keeping a hard erection. When I do have one, it isnt very hard, and ill probably lose it in a minute or 2. I cant figure out what could be the problem. Im 5'11'' 145lbs, I just recently had a physical and he said everything is O.K, Im not stressed and get plenty of sleep. Any ideas on what the cause is? Or any ideas to help improve my erection? Thanks




  1. Richard R.Pastars

    See a physical therapist that specializes in pelvic floor therapy.It will help trust me it works.I personally have been through this and my erections have gotten better.

  2. At times the problem could be due to depression which could be overcomed.  As a teeneger you are not surposed to suffer depression by now.  However, if you do due to one circumstance or the other, you can see a psychologist.

  3. i have it and im 19 sucks doesnt it... i dont know what to do.. if u find a solution let me know

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