
Can a teenager get a job?

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i am a teenager and i get a small job......... like bagging groceries or something? Well will the manager let me apply for the job?




  1. It sucks being a teen and looking for a job, I'm 17 and there's very few jobs available for people my age, almost all the jobs I've looked at require you to be 18+. You might be able to find a job bagging groceries, or busing tables.

  2. tim hortons hires 14 and above.

  3. Call and ask the manager.  

  4. sure you can work at a construction site cleaning up after the wrap for the day

  5. you have to get a permit and it will be a c**p job because most teenagers cant do anything that involves responsibility. They just lack the maturity. But with that said, sign wavers will hire people 14 years of age. they just have to have a ride.

  6. Well I have the same problem and it depends where you work and how old you are. And if one of your family members owns their own shop then you can work there if you 14 or 15.

  7. If you are over the age of sixteen, and they are looking for people then yes you can get a job. Good luck.  

  8. Depending on how old you are, there are several jobs that target younger people for things like bagging groceries, or flipping burgers.  Also mowing lawns, getting a paper route, babysitting, cleaning houses or parts of houses.  You just gotta ask around, and the worst people can say is 'no'.

    But persistence pays off, so ask around and don't be discouraged after a couple of 'no's'.  You'll find something!


    Go here and see if there is a program like this in your area.

  10. depends on your age

  11. most states you have to be 15 to start working under limited conditions

  12. well teenager is from 13-19.

    usually at 15+ you shouldnt have a problem applying.

    you could try tutoring as well. if i were you i would go up to the school informational center and ask for a work form

  13. how old are you?

  14. Um, Actaually, In order to get a Job, if you're under 16, you need to get Working Papers from your school. To get working papers, you must be ATLEAST 14...You can usually get them at the Office or from the Guidance Counselors. Then, you will probably be able to apply for a Part Time Job =)

  15. It is legal to get a job at age 14 but you can only work for 8 hours and not past midnight and you need a good break in the middle of that time.  

  16. if your 16  

  17. Depends-You are legally allowed once you are 14 years old, but most jobs won't hire you unless you are 16 or older. Under 14 can only do jobs like babysitting, mowing lawns etc. You can apply now as long as you are 14+, but don't expect to hear anything back for a couple of years =).

  18. IF You have your working papers you can get a job at grocery stores but i don't think you need your working papers for bagging grocery's because my cousin did it when he was like 13 14 and got money.

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