
Can a temperature be so low that a themometer can no longer read it because the molecules are so compacted?

by  |  earlier

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Would the liquid (alchol, mercury etc...) ever seem disappear because it was so cold and compressed so much, or are presssures that extreme not achievable yet?




  1. Alcohol would freeze at -114 celsius, mercury at -39 celsius. Once they had frozen they would not contract much more.

    The coldest you can possibly go is absolute zero: -273 celsius. At this temperature the motion of molecules that we know as heat or warmth stops completely. That's why you can't get any colder - you can't get slower than stopped!

  2. how dumb can you get..... who cares!?!?!?! go get a tan and then that will make everything better

    For everyone else.... Make her do her own Homework!

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