
Can a terminated employee view their personnel folder if they ask to do so through the proper channels?

by  |  earlier

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If an employee of 10 or more years is terminated and they ask for an appointment with HR to view their personnel folder, should the employer let them? Is there a law that requires the employer to do so if the employee request through the proper channels and they have an HR employee present while they view their folder? Why wouldn't an employee be able to view their personnel folder to see what the employer has placed in there.




  1. The folder is not theirs, it belongs to the company.

    They have no obligation to allow to view any company files.

  2. Where I work, anyone can go through my personnel files!  ANYONE!  Anyone right off the street!  It's because I technically work for the state and taxpayers can check it if they want and blah, blah, blah.  It's a scary thought!  As far as I know, no one has asked for it.  

    So, since anyone can ask for it, I can certainly ask for it.  I don't know where you're from, but I think by law you should be able to access your personnel file.  Unless, of course, it's been quite a long time since you've terminated your position with that company.  (I don't think they're required by law to keep personnel files so many years back.)  

    I'd get in contact with the human resources department and ask for the proper procedure to access your file.  I'm sure you should be able to do so.

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