
Can a the border patrol stop you like a cop?

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my friend was caming home from work manning his own bessnis when he got pulled over by the border patrol. he was't doing anything worge is that right?




  1. yes they can stop you.

    FYI: Make sure you use proper English spelling before posting a question. Saves you from embarrassment.

  2. Yes.

  3. Their Job Is To Stop And Check Everyone Crossing Or Are At The Border Or A Port. And Yes, They Have More Rights And Access Than A Police.

    I Am Sure Your Friend Must Have Acknowledged The Duty Those Officers Try To Fullfill And Am Sure The Officers Must Have Wished Your Friend A " Good " Night When Everything Turned Out To Be Okay.

  4. Yes they can. I fact I was in a bus traveling from Louisiana to California and we were pulled over. We had one LEGAL Mexican (he had been in school with me since I was in 7th grade had a green card and everything he needed) in the bus and we were stuck there for a half hour while they verified his papers and school id. That was 11 years ago. I can imagine what it would be like now.

    Do your self a favor learn to use spell check. has a great one

  5. Yes, they can. That's why they're there.

  6. Yes, count on this to continue. They are members of law enforcement.

    In Tampa Florida they have been boarding Greyhound busses at the local terminal. They have arrested 120 illegals so far this year.

  7. Border Patrol and ICE have specific jobs and that doesn't include being pulled over unless near a border or with probable cause relating to illegality of immigration. Not for a tail light etc.

  8. yes, they can

  9. Yep.

    But illegals are home free if they can get past the border patrol zone.

    I remember this because I last year, when I drove back to San Francisco from Tijuana, the whole San Diego area was crawling with them. But once out of San Diego County, heading towards LA, that was it. Same thing in Arizona and New Mexico. Coming out of Mexico and heading to AZ and NM, you see lots of them. But once you cross into Cali, you're safe.

  10. They are cops.

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