
Can a thin person can use protein powder .do they have any demerits.if have then tell another method

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Can a thin person can use protein powder .do they have any demerits.if have then tell another method




  1. sure can

    the only bad thing about protein powders is they make your gas stink really bad, other than that, no worries

  2. There's protein powder and protein powder. I use Spiru-tein and I'm a vegan.

    And I don't make any nasty smells.

  3. Anyone of any size can use protein powder. What the other answerer mentioned about bad gas is more rare... he's likely somewhat lactose intolerant (which is a common reaction when taking lactose).

    The biggest demerits that I have come across with protein powders of any sort are that they don't tend to mix completely (they mix in better with a shaker or blender and in warmer liquids), and the taste varies with every brand.

    The mixing issue is just something you have to accept (that there may be small chunks to swallow), so just drink it down (don't sip it) and you shouldn't have a problem. With the taste, that tends to be the biggest issue... most people tend to mix the powder with milk (for the whey proteins, at least), fruit, juices, or sometimes even ice cream to make a shake.

    Ultimately, protein is protein... any forms will have the same impact on your body, they're just from different sources. A protein powder would be just like eating a slab of meat... your body just absorbs it more efficiently. Heck, many people who exercise on a regular basis (whether they are thin, fat, muscular, or scrawny) use protein powder to help muscle growth. Good luck!

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