
Can a tick kill you and what does it feel like?

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where are they most found?

any info on them

will you find them at lane cove national park , australia?




  1. No they won't kill you but they are horrible.  After being in the garden a few years ago I found one on my lower private part!  It sort of freaked me out but I just plucked it off... yuk!  I was at the hairdressers with my little girl once and noticed one behind her ear....and the hairdresser got it out  with one pluck.

  2. As stated earlier a tick alone cannot kill you but it can deliver potentially fatal diseases.  You can find some ticks at Lane Cove Park, use repellent if you spend time in wooded areas.  They are most often found hanging under broad low-standing leaves such as ferns or fronds, when they are waiting for an animal to pass by the leaf and attach to it.  As to what it feels like to have a tick kill you, I could not say, as I have never been killed by a tick.

  3. ticks (I'm assuming you mean those eight-legged nastys), where I am from are usually found in very foresty regions and usually are easy to get rid of.  The main problem is that ticks often carry Lyme Disease.  This is a BIG PROBLEM, so go to your doctor and be tested for it.  Lyme Disease can be very bad, please, if you know you've been bit by a tick, see a physician!

  4. Whenever I have lived in sandy areas there have been ticks my 3 children have all had them in the nape of the neck in the hair they were scratching as soon as they got them so I was able to get them out easily. My mother had one in her stomach and was not aware of it at all until she became numb on one side and was also feeling sick the doctor got that one out he said any longer and she would have been paralyzed and yes he said they can cause death if they are not taken out don't worry you would know if you had one my dog has also had them he drags himself on the area where the tick is.

  5. lol, im gonna guess youre going to lane cove national park and youre scared of ticks. im pretty sure you cant die from a tick. dont be scred, its very unlikely that youll be thee first person to die from a tick

  6. Lyme disease is a bacterial infection, caused by the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi and acquired through tick bites.

    In 1975, Lyme disease was discovered in Old Lyme, Connecticut. Parents were perplexed by the high incidence of arthritis among their children and called for an investigation; this revealed that the children were suffering from a "new" disease.

    Today, Lyme disease is the most common tick-transmitted disease in the world. There are roughly 20,000 new cases of Lyme disease in the United States each year. Although sporadic cases are reported in many states, Lyme disease primarily occurs in three distinct regions: in the Northeast from Massachusetts to Maryland, in the Midwest in Wisconsin and Minnesota, and in the West in northern California. Lyme disease is quite seasonal due to the life cycle of the tick. In the Northeast and Midwest, disease generally begins to appear between May 1 and October 30, with the majority of cases occurring in June and July. In California, the disease occurs throughout the year, with a slight increase in the summer months.

    The two species of ticks known to transmit the disease are the deer tick Ixodes scapularis (also called Ixodes dammini) in the northeastern and midwestern United States, and Ixodes pacificus in the West. Ticks live in wooded and grassy areas and survive by attaching to animal hosts and sucking their blood. They attach to deer, field mice, other wild animals and humans, as well. Ixodes pacificus also feeds on birds and cold blooded animals, such as lizards. Other ticks, such as the common dog tick, do not transmit Lyme disease.

    With a better understanding of the symptoms of Lyme disease, we now know it is not the "great imitator" of disease it once was thought to be. A limited number of identifiable syndromes can be related to Lyme disease.

    Flu-like symptoms, such as headaches, stiff neck, muscle aches and fatigue may also be present. About half of all infected people never develop the rash, making it more difficult to diagnose the illness.

    If left untreated, Lyme disease can progress to a second stage of the disease, which occurs within the next several weeks. This disseminated infection involves joint pain and may bring about complications in the nervous system or the heart. Neurologic complications, such as inflammation of the brain and its covering membranes and inflammation of the nerve roots and facial paralysis, occur in about 15 percent of all patients. Symptoms may last several months, but usually disappear completely.

    Lyme Disease is nothing to take lightly.

  7. far as i know i live here in australia too and there nornally in the northern parts of aus, i dont think they kill humans but you have to be careful of your pets getting them, they dig themselves in to a dog / cats skin and it will paralise them to the point if there too long then yes it will kill, if your looking for them on a pet run your finger tips along there body not hair and you will feel a bump. there is a certain way to get them out so if you do find one call a vet straight away.

  8. ticks are not that big until they feed then they are very noticable

  9. yes they can but it's highly unlikely.

    what they are: little bugs that crawl into your skin, they crawl in very slowly and u can pull em out easy with a pair of tweezers.

    I've had 4 of em in my life there nothing to worrie about

    yea you might find em at cove national park if its like a wood then yea.

  10. i think their in most country's, they cant kill people, they can if your coverd in them but you'd notice! one or two can kill small animals because the animals cant get them of!

    if you get one on you cover it in Vaseline, it cant breath and will die, you can pull it of safe then, because if it's alive wen you pull it the teeth will stay in your skin and it'll bleed through the teeth.

  11. i'm not an expert but the 2 ticks i know are the common tick ,and the paralysis tick. the paralysis tick if not removed will kill an animal.unsure if same goes for people . it can kill a cat within 24 hours. i've traveled all over aus and lived in most states .main places i've seen ticks is in forest and near water. their size varies slightly . they are small but not too small to see. you don't usually know you've got one on you . if you check yourself after being in these area you'll be fine . i've been bitten once in 40 years

  12. I am not aware of tick which, by itself, can kill you.

    Ticks often carry a multitude of diseases which can infect you and some of the diseases can kill you.

    It is rare.

    They can be anywhere where ticks can survive.

  13. They're most found outside.

    You could very well find them at Lane Cove National Park in Australia.

    Just be careful and check yourself after.

    As for what it feels like, you don't really feel a tick otherwise everyone would find the ticks before they gave them a disease.

    Just have fun and don't worry about it too much.

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