
Can a toddler drink too much milk?

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My 13 month old daughter drinks so much milk, I'm actually worried that she's drinking too much. She eats regular food, too, and is now doing well with eating chunkier table foods, but she wants milk constantly. Is it possible to overload her with milk?




  1. A 13 month old should be down to only12-16 ounces of milk a day. I had the same thing going on with my now 16 month old and then I talked to her doctor about it. It is actually not good for their teeth to drink more then that. Not to mention it fills them up and they won't eat as much as they should. Try giving her a sippy of milk in the morning and then one at night with dinner. The rest of the time she will be all set with water, and SOMETIMES a little diluted juice. Good luck :)

  2. The only thing I think you should be concerned about would be if she were having a hard time with bowel movements, only because sometimes too much milk would be binding.  In time she will wean herself from the need to drink so much milk, replacing it with juice, pop, beer and wine.  J/K

  3. They can have up to 24 oz of milk a day and be fine but if she goes over that I would talk to the pediatrician about it especially if she is also eating dairy products like cheese and yogurt too.  To much dairy can cause digestive issues for children plus while the fat is needed in the milk to much can be a problem.  My oldest son could easily go through 32 or more oz of milk a day plus he likes yogurt and cheese so by 2 years old his Dr had me switch to skim milk and lowfat cheese and yogurt for him because he was getting so much in his diet.  

  4. What could happen is the child will fill upon milk and not want to eat as much solid foods.  This could generally cause a picky eater but also the child will not be getting total nutrition from a mostly cow milk diet.  Also drinking milk all the time, which does contain natural sugars, promotes tooth decay.  

    Limit the milk intake to 16 oz per day at this point.  Juice to 2-3 oz. Anything else should be plain water.

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