
Can a toddler get infected from ?

by  |  earlier

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took my 18 month toddler to the gp today, and whilst the doc was talking my little one grabbed a full urine sample from the doc's desk and runs off to play with it. It was closed, but afterwards I got worried because he puts his hands in his mouth a lot, and i am sure the outside of the urine sample was not clean. also when i asked the nurse, she said that doctors should not have urine samples in their office, can my little one get infection from this. I am quite upset now.




  1. i would call the doctor and tell him your concerns, why didnt you ask while u were there ?

  2. I don't know for sure but i think urine is sterile.  You should have taken it away from him as soon as you saw this happen.  Call his pediatrician or call your physician

  3. I guess it is possible... but not likely if it was ingested.

  4. to be honest i have caught my 16 month old twice in the toilet playing in pee that had not be flushed. he even had toys in there that he was putting in his mouth after he had them in the pee. sorry i know it sounds terrible but it happens. needless to say we washed his hands and mouth out really good and he never got sick. hopefully your situation will turn out the same.  

  5. I don't think your doctor should have had the urine samples in his office either. In my doctors office there is nothing but books for a child to play with, a computer desk with a computer on it and cabinets where they hide everything. Nothing else should be around. It attracts kids. I think your child will be ok as long as you washed your child's hands thoroughly right after.  

  6. Urine is sterile.

  7. My question is why would you allow your child to run around in a doctor's office unsupervised to begin with.  It is your responsibility to be in control of your child at all times, no matter whom you are talking to.  The reasons are obvious.  I don't know why the urine sample was where it was or if there was a problem with the urine, obviously it had ben taken for some kind of testing.

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