
Can a tourist get by speaking French in Turin?

by Guest33606  |  earlier

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I don't speak Italian... is French commonly understood in that city?




  1. i agree with Alex...if not known Italiano, English is next best bet....and, you seem to know that just fine. you'll be okay..

  2. If you speak english, there's no problem. Just use simple words when you talk. Don't try to speak french, you will only confuse the locals ;) french is not similar to italian (like is spanish)



  3. Not at all, Piedmont is not bilingual like Valle D'Aosta and most people study English in school. You're better off just speaking English - slowly!!

  4. As said in Italy we do speak Italian but in Turin as well as in the reast of Italy if you speak english you will find people that are able to understand you.

    As for the French, since it is similar to the Italian it should not be too difficult for you to be understood if you speak in French and Turin is also near to the French border so more people may speak it

  5. Italian is commonly understood in Turin. Some folks may understand and even speak French but it isn't a common language there.

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