
Can a truck driver have a bathroom and shower in the truck?

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I'm talking about the big trucks.If I am going to do it I might as well have it be like my house.I hear that is how it is for all of you.I have read stuff about drivers couldn't find a bathroom or waiting in lines for a shower.That doesn't make sense to me if it can be in your truck with you.I also understand that hotels/motels get expensive.

If I could learn to make my truck feel like home I think I could really like it.




  1. omg how dumb

  2. I suppose its possible if you were to build it. You would need a pretty large truck cab though.

  3. My wife and I used to drive over the road, between stops if we had to go #1 we used a coffee can, not that it's sanitary. The best way would be to get a Porto pot like in some campers. They don't take up much room and are self contained, emptying them is as easy as dumping a jug of water. As far as a shower if you own the truck you could set it up like campers, travel trailers and RVs. However keep in mind it will cut down on your living space and you may not be able to dump your waste water except at some campgrounds (if they let you bring a semi in loaded or not). A number of truck stop chains will give a free shower ticket with a purchase of 50 gallons of fuel so why not just take your showers when you fuel your truck?

    Good luck and be safe driving.

  4. Most trucks do not have a big enough bunk to support having space wasted by a toilet or shower.  If you really need one, you can make room for a small portable toilet.  Also, trucking companies are not going to sacrifice the weight.  Your truck and trailer has a weight limitation, and they'd rather have that as usable payload... not as water tanks for a shower.    

    Many drivers will pee in a small water bottle if they have to go and a washroom isn't handy.  And DON'T toss them out the window !!!  Put them in your garbage and put them in the trash can when you stop to fuel.  There are lots of trucks stops, and rest areas.  Use the washrooms there... and when heading into a large city, use the rest area before you get into the city to avoid being stuck in traffic and wishing you had some place to pee.  All shippers and receivers have washrooms as well.      

    As for showering... most truck stops give a free shower for trucks purchasing over 50 gallons of fuel.  And the wait, if any is not very long.  

    The only drivers I know of that stay in motels, are auto haulers since those tractors have no bunk... and drivers hauling for entertainment companies and trade shows, since they often spends days in one location... waiting for the show... and then go on to the next location.  

    You can make your truck bunk quite comfortable... comfy bedding... tv... dvd player... laptop... small fridge... microwave... etc... but it will never truly be 'just like home.'

  5. There are some bigger trucks like home they all include like living room TVs etc. but i don't know if they have bathrooms.

  6. I know a few lads that have bathrooms and beds in there trucks but never heard of a shower unit in it.

    But I am sure it would be no problem if you had the money

  7. Yes - modular units are available (similar to the ones installed in caravans/campers) which can be installed in trucks as add-on units to the existing structure. If I am not wrong, you need a big driver's cabin to fit these in, the type in which the drivers have a sleeping berth.

  8. The extra weight means lose of cargo weight which means lose of revenue

    This is also a cause for so many truckers bombs (peeinthebottle)

      I found one that has a toilet and shower in it he said he wouldn't recomend it as it smells and the dump stations arent allways accomodating to him . plus the vehicle waight with the water tanks and waist tank and he had to extend the tractor frame about 3 ft

  9. with enough money anything is possible it will take a big water tank to hold the water for a shower and then you have to fill it up and you will also have to dump you own waste.  Just stop somewhere and use the restroom

  10. Well, if you are talking motorhomes, most motorhomes have a bathroom with shower/toilet in them..

    If you are talking Semi trailers/tractor trailers, Its pretty much wasted space.

    Toilet/showers would take up a lot of room, and even with the biggest sleeper cab,im sure most drivers would rather have a bed, TV/video/dvd/stereo rather than a toilet/shower, considering that you have to sleep and c**p in the same compartment.

    If you are caught short, there is always a bush handy, and you can buy portable showers that hook up to 12V and run hotwater. You can also buy portable chemical toilets if bogging in a bush doesnt appeal to you.

    But, as truck drivers have to stop after a certain time, and most drivers spend the night in a truck stop, I would be spending the money on putting in a more comfortable matterss than on a toilet.

    If you are worried about these things, its probably not the right line of work for you.

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