
Can a two year old get STD from a public swimming pool?

by  |  earlier

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The child's mother and father are getting divorced and the father has custody. She is now claiming, (without testing), that her son has gotten STD's from the public pool because the father's sister took the child swimming. We have concerns about what goes on with the child when in the mothers care, and we are looking for answers. The child is going in for test, but in the wait, we are trying to find answers because the aunt is just horrified about the accusations. She would never do anything to hurt her nephew.




  1. I very much doubt it. The only STD that I can think of that could possibly be transmitted by use of a public swimming pool would be AIDs. Even then, it seems very unlikely.

  2. No one can not get an STD from a public pool...that's as ridiculous as getting pregnant from a toilet seat.  IF the child has an STD the child got the STD from exactly what the S stands for s*x.

  3. I believe that the chlorine in the swimming pool kills any bacteria or virus that would cause an STD.

  4. no way unless the child was molested there.

    the only thing in the water is pee and chemicals.

  5. This child is being sexually abused. Contact child services immediately!

  6. is the child a victim of sexual abuse?

  7. I' going to go with the child is being sexually abused.  get the kid OUT and report it ASAP.

  8. I seriously doubt it with all of the chemicals in a pool! if this was the case, 90% of the population would have std's. The mother may be covering something up or the child may just have a yeast infection or diaper rash or chicken pox..who knows! Good to get the child tested anyway.

  9. sound like the mother has some secrets to me.

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