
Can a vampiric spirit live inside a human being?

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ive read the myths and researched the many different types of vampires. so i found in ancient times vampires were the spirits of a deceased person who prowled the streets at night then went back to their corpse in the ground. so my question is can that spirit, instead of resting in its corpse, go into the body of a living person? i mean people talk about memories of a past life all the time. would this really be so much different?




  1. no it either be one or be food   --

  2. yes the very first stories of vampires are about spirits that feed off of energy and do so by draining or possessing a person. this is also known as a true vampire. most ppl don't know enough of the original legends to understand that the idea of a vampire as a undead person who sucks blood is a MODERN creation.

    edit the body doesnt matter a vampire spirit is not linked to any one body it goes from host to host.

  3. It would be alot different so no they cant.

         The vampiric spirit is bound by the very spell that created it to it's corpse. The act of becoming a vampire in ancient lore was much the same as the modern fairytale lich. It was an evil person who deliberatly tried to cheat death or made some kind of pact. They have no ability to permanently reside within a living being. If they did, they would be a demon rather than a corpse bound vampire. The entire PURPOSE of being a vampire is to preserve the corpse from decay. It's a crappy life. but I guess if your that afraid of death, meh.

    The stories of vampires date back thousands of years they also have hundreds of variations. There are thousands of stories involving vampirism, most of them are bolox. The ancient legends collectively can't be attributed singly to say ANY ONE thing. there are dozens of ways to deal with the myriad of forms a vampiric entity was supposed to have.

    this isn't just one criitter that changes into a hundred things, all though some were said to be able to shapeshift into mist.

    the one thing that almost every vampire story has in common, is they are all in europe and asia! Now there is the chupacabra in south america but thats a demon. No, a vampire spirit will not posess your body and make you drink blood. However there are medical reasons a person can become semi addicted to the act.

    I almost forgot, doh the other fellow at the bottom there is right, mostly.

    There are some old regional stories of blood drinking mist and such but other ones do in fact talk about a life force vampire type creature. Sucks getting old. ... anyway they all tend to kill their victims right quick, like overnight if not instantly so, no worries about one hanging around, you probably wouldn't ever see it coming. Just stay out of carpathia. :)

  4. vampires don't work like that. they have a body already because they aren't dead. so one couldn't possess a body

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