
Can a vector have a component equal to zero and still have a nonzero magnitude?

by  |  earlier

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i need help please:)




  1. Yes, of course. For example, v=2i+0j. The horizontal component has length 2 and the vertical zero. The magnitude of v is 2 in this case.

  2. You don't need help. All you need to do is think for about 15 seconds. Puzzle it out. Use your brain. Use it or lose it.

  3. Yes a vector can have nonzero magnitude if its on one of its three component is nonzero e.g. 2i+3j+0k or 2i+0j+0k Also for your information if a physical qntity is expressed as a vector, then magnitude is just the length of vector.

    Hope I helped............  

  4. Yes, if the x-component is 0 and y-component is nonzero then magnitude is nonzero.

  5. A vector can has many components. For examples, 3-vector has 3 components and 2-vector has two components. If at least one of the component is not equal to zero, then the vector can has a nonzero magnitude. So, a vector with a component equal to zero, its magnitude is not neccesary equal to zero unless it is 1-vector. However, if a vector with all its components equal to zero, then its magnitude would be zero.  

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