
Can a vegetarian and someone who isn't make it as a lasting couple?

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Can a vegetarian and someone who isn't make it as a lasting couple?




  1. Many of us are vegetarian/vegan for moral reasons, and so I'd imagine it'd be quite hard to be with someone who ate dead animals 24/7, let alone someone you were supposed to love....but that's jut my opinion. I've never dated a non-veg guy, and so can't say for sure. I think people with similar lifestyles/morals have a better chance for making it.

  2. If both of you are always trying to change the other one, then no.

    But if both of you learn to accept the others choices then you can last forever.

  3. Absolutely. I am a vegetarian, my husband is an omnivore - we have been together 12 years. We cook vegetarian meals at home but he supplements with meat when he so desires. It does require mutual respect, support & flexibility just like many other areas of a relationship.  

  4. I think one of the keys is going to be understanding. You both have to understand that the other is what they are, vegetarian or not and the second key is acceping it and being okay with it.  As long as you both are fine with this, then the 3rd thing will be to come up with meal ideas. This can be something fun you can do together. Find restaurants that will suit the both of you as well.  

  5. Absolutely, unless one or the other starts to bully the other into adopting their eating habits.    

  6. yes you can do what they do in china they mix alot of foods to make delicous dishes and you could seperate them

  7. As long as you allow the heart to rule vs. what goes in the stomach there should be no problems at all.

  8. yup.  

  9. Sure--ask my wife.

    I was born not liking any type of flesh.

    We have been married 45 years with no problems.

  10. Well I'm a vegetarian and my boyfriend is not and we've been together for 4 years.It's fine as long as your not constantly trying to change the other person.

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