
Can a very feminine woman ever be a feminist?

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why is it that very feminine woman hate feminists?

btw. I like a woman thats very femine on the outiside but with a feminist mentality(as long she is not an extremist feminist).




  1. Of course, as can a very "masculine" man.  The terms feminine and masculine don't even mean anything as they vary from culture to culture.  I also think that it's a bit of a jump to say that very feminine women hate feminists.

  2. Because they're usually not bitter and ugly.

  3. This may be true but what makes a feminist is more often their circumstances.

  4. Women Do Not Have to Stick their heads in the Sand and pretend that nothing bad is happening to other females.  They suffer injustices by males and women who have been taught that women are less than men and of No value, just like Slaves were.  The 14th Amendment of the Bill of Rights.  Women of Color have been victimized Twice: once in Slavery and afterward by the Men in their communities and homes that wanted them to remain slaves to  former Uneducated, Uncuiltured slaves!  Simply because he is male.  It was and in some Churches Still  teach that women are inferior/ to be submissive in the Wrong way.  That is not what is says or means.

    Men of Color in America SHOULD Be Ashamed of how they Still  attempt to force Women to pretend to be less intelligent or make them subservient based on those facts.  All of them need to Shut their Mouths Calling Intelligent and Strong Females Men...It's an Insult fom backward thinking Cave men! It's Mysogyny at it's worst.

    It has not been that long ago that feminine women were beaten and treated like chattle property of their husbands, regardless of their race..  They could own no property once married and could not Vote which led the way for the 19th Amendment to the Bill of Rights.

  5. Because feminine women are retarded, they like knowing that the justice system lets pedophiles, rapists, and murderers back on the streets everyday.

    They like wearing BS shoes then get varicose veins and therefore make the foot doctors rich

    They think men have every right to beat and rape their wives and children

    They like to see movies where men take pictures up a females skirt

    They like rap videos and the language that rappers use to describe women

    They like a lot of bad treatment at the hands of men because they have no self respect

    They like reading about all the rape genocides and looking at the news and hearing about all the rapists on the loose during the holidays

    Ask them for the whole list of screwed up masochistic things they like

  6. Absolutely. In my mind, the best combination is beauty and a strong sense of intelligence, independence and strength. This is no reason these cannot go together, despite the pervasive image of the 'man-hating, bra-burning, hairy feminist."

  7. Yes, of course they can, but many ignorant people seem to  think that a women has to be masculine and ugly to be a feminist, but that couldn't be further from the truth.

    Feminism is nothing to do with masculine of feminine quality's, its the simple belief that women are entitled to rights,and you don't even have to be female to be a feminist, there are plenty of male feminists too.

  8. The smartest women are all are very feminine and very feminist.

    They seek power and will use anything to get it.

  9. No-you can't be a feminine woman and be a feminist-but you can be a feminine man and be a feminist-it's in the feminist rule book. Duh.

    Feminists come in all flavors-you need to get out more.

  10. yes. Being a feminist has nothing to do with feminity. Even a man can be a feminist.

  11. this feminine woman is a feminist.

    i like to look good, and i also like getting treated with respect. what's so strange about that?

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