
Can a watch do this?

by Guest66748  |  earlier

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my father in law past away, on the 19th of may 2008, he had a watch that he was really fond of, never took it off, when he past away, the date stopped on the 19th ok but it still keeps time is this normal or is it a sign of his pressesnce? please let me have your thought




  1. That is strange.  When my dad died his watch stopped at the exact moment he died and has never worked since.  So for part of it to still be working could very well be a sign.

  2. I imagine that it's a coincidence. Yes a watch can do that - it's called malfunctioning.

  3. That is strange. Maybe when he passed away he hit the floor and watch stopped working.

    Once I was someone's house and someone came in who gave me a weird feeling. My watched stopped. After she left it started again. The next night I was there again, and same thing happened. I never had any trouble with the watch before or after that, and the battery lasted another year.

    Who knows? At lot of things are possible.

  4. I think it's very interesting.  I'm sure there is a mechanical explanation for why the watch stopped on that date, but depending on your belief system you may feel that this is a manifestation of your father-in-law.  If that's the case you may want to keep the watch the way it is with the date frozen in his memory.  Even if there is a mechanical explanation, for some it doesn't eliminate the possibility of spirits or ghosts.
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