
Can a wet electric plug damage electronics?

by Guest21292  |  earlier

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My basement recently flooded. My stereo and TV were plugged into a surge protector that was totally submerged in the flood. The surge protector is "burnt" between the prongs. Some were fused pretty good as there are heavy deposits on the prongs of the cord. With standby power and all could the electronics been damaged internally? I cleaned the plugs and everything seems to be working.




  1. No matter how people try to say otherwise, you just can't argue with success.  If it's working, then it's working.  The problem with water immersion is that circuit breakers and fuses sometimes don't work FAST enough, and so some damage may occur.  That's why GFI (Ground Fault Interrupters) are used in water hazard environments for faster response.  But it sounds like YOUR systems did work as they were supposed to, damaging only the protective devices to save the main equipment.

    Burn deposits left on the blades of the plugs can create resistance, thereby generating dangerous heat, but since you've cleaned them up, that's no longer an issue, either.  It sounds like you're good to go.  Working is, well...  working.

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