
Can a woman be allowed to use a ‘pill’ to stop the menstruation during Ramadaan time?

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Contraceptive pills to stop periods, so that i may be able to all of the fasting.




  1. Of course, there's no chemical changes in the body just because of ramadan, that's a man made invention, not the body's.

  2. There is nothing wrong, as far as Islam is concerned, if a woman takes such pills during Ramadan in order to be able to continue Fastingj without interruption.

    However, we have to keep in mind that a woman is allowed to do so while being guided by the following conditions:

    1- Taking such pills must not result in putting her life and health at stake, based on the Hadith: "Let there be no harm or reciprocating harm" .

    2- It is better, before taking such medication, to seek the advice of a reliable physician.

  3. It is the consensus of the scholars (ulama’) that menstruating women are not obligated to fast in Ramadan, however it is compulsory for them to repay (qadha’) on other days. Hence, it is not sinful for a menstruating woman to break her fast and to repay (qadha’) it on other days.

    A hadith narrated by Saiyidatina ‘Aisyah r.a. explained that it is obligatory for a menstruating woman to make up for the missed fast but not the  missed prayers.

    Therefore, it is advisable for one to follow the natural state of a woman which is created by Allah s.w.t.

    Nevertheless, if a woman wants to take pills to delay the arrival of her menstrual cycle during Ramadan, it is permissible as long as it will not endanger or harm her health or well-being. This can be determined by consulting a medical specialist or doctor regarding the consumption of the pills.

  4. Thats very unhealthy.  

  5. as per bellow refernce sister u cannot take the pills, becoz allah subhanahu ta'ala given u a good deal and exempted prayers so why u taking pills?

    suppose: Allah told us while travelling make your prayer shortening (Qaser) if I pray full 4 rakah Farz Zuher it is sin for me becoz i did not obey allah instruction so the same thing here apply for all women?

    It is well known that women who are menstruating or having postpartum bleeding are exempted from both prayer and fasting. The reasons that such women are exempted from fasting are, first of all, because it is `amr ta`bbudi', an act of worship dictated by Allah.

    In addition, Islam is the religion of easiness, and it tends to remove the hardship of women who may be weak or in pain from menstruation. Hence the Shari`ah does not add more difficulty to them by imposing fasting on her. Thus, it is an exemption from the Shari`ah to remove hardship.

    Responding to the question, Dr. Muhammad M. M. Abu Laylah, Professor of the Islamic Studies & Comparative Religions at Al-Azhar University, states the following:

    "When it comes to Islamic rulings pertaining to umur ta`bbudiyyah (acts of worship) acts, we ought not to ask why. Rather, we should demonstrate the slogan of 'we hear and we obey'.

    Part of the logic behind exempting menstruating women from fasting and prayer, I can say that upon the onset of the period the woman becomes very weak and experiences weakness and fatigue in her whole body, and that is why Allah, the Most Merciful, exempts her from fasting and prayer in order not to add to her weakness."

    Scholars have unanimously agreed that it is mandatory for menstruating women and women who had post childbirth bleeding to break their fast and to make up for the days they missed later on (after Ramadan). Al-Bukhari and Muslim record that `A'ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) said: "When we would have our periods during the lifetime of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), we were ordered to make up for the days of fasting that we had missed but were not ordered to make up for the prayers we had missed."

  6. Well, considering contraception is haram in islam, I'd say the answer is no. Also, pill + fasting is a no go. It can't be good for you. Stick with natural stuff and don't fast during periods. Allah (SWT) made rules for a reason, and if we don't follow the rules it will harm us in the long term

  7. You should just let it come naturally, don't try to stop the cycle becuz it can get messed up. We are excused during that time through Allah's Mercy. Just be sure to make a note of all the missed fasts and make up for them afterwards.

  8. no sister it is not allowed.

  9. Periods are natural - trying to stop them is NOT natural. Why do you want to cause your body to be un-natural?  Be proud of your femininity.  Any religious dogma that needs artificial help to fulfil is all bullsh*t!  

  10. salam alaykum.

    no you can't take any such pills. you have to fast the missed fasts after ramadaan. but incase you're going for omra and will not be able to do the omra then you can. some scholers say that you should'nt but some say that you can cuz one can not come all the way till Mecca every year so it's permitted to have them for omra but not for fasts.

  11. It is not recommended for a woman to take pills to delay menstruation with the intention of catching the full month of Ramadan fasting. It is Allah, the Creator and Sovereign Lord, Who has created women with this nature, and it is He in His infinite wisdom Who has decreed that women must forego Prayer and fasting while menstruating. So it is only most apt for women to surrender to the decree of Allah.  

  12. I understand you perfectly. during Ramadan it is so much easier to fast because everyone around you is fasting too  but after Ramadan its a whole different ball game. Good idea, I'll ask some of my in-laws and get back to you.

    To the woman who says some idiot disproved the whole Islamic religion with common sense and logic....well if a girl were to tell her boyfriend she had an immaculate conception with the Holy Spirit right now, she would probably end up on Springer.

  13. well id say since Allah is merciful and doesnt put too much burdon on you.. why worry about it.. Its a mercy that you dont have to worry about fasting during this time.. and surely you can make up a weeks worth of days somewhere in the next 365days... just chose a couple of days here and there and youre done before you know it..

    having said this.. Im here in Saudi Arabia and several (many in fact) friend of mine do use the pill to stop their cycles during Ramadan.. but to me, you are interfering with God natural cycle for your body.. sometimes what you dont know, might harm you in the future.. I wouldn experiment with that...  

  14. Not aloowed

  15. of course, it is all a load of shite devised to make some man happy, not God but some bloke........Ramadan is nonsense

  16. Allah burden not a person beyond his scope. He gets reward for that ( good ) which he has earned and he is punished for that ( evil ) which he has earned: Quran 02:286

    Jazakallahu Khair sister

  17. i am not muslim so i don't know

    i'm christian though and the bible does not say anything about not preventing your period from happening when it's time for prayers

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