
Can a woman campaign for VP and also provide the best care for a 4 month old with Down's Syndrome?

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Or does she have to devote too much time to one or the other?

What if her time is also spent trying to defend herself from a legal investigation into her abuse of public office?




  1. I would bet the children already have someone that looks after them.

  2. Joe you have been asking some really goofy questions. This one is really funny. You've outdone yourself this time. Congratulations.

    What is this "it looks like" thing?

    You need something really good. Something that will attract the attention of the thinking people. The gullible people are already voting for Obama so they really don't matter. They believe anything.

  3. Hmmmm! Would you ask that question of a Democrat woman politician?

    Look into the real details of that "legal investigation" about the so-called abuse. You'll be eating your keyboard out of embarrassment.

    Edit: Did you know the sister's (ex) husband was physically abusing her. He was a cop and apparently TASERED their kids to punish them. EVEN THEN, Palin did NOT call for his firing. What DID happen was one of her staffers pressured the guy's superiors to fire him. When Palin found out, she fired the staffer. You may now proceed to eat your keyboard.

  4. well, i'll be the voice of dissention here.  i do believe that mothers should stay home and raise their children and create that family environment and not leave it to nannies or staffers to do.  i feel that the divorce rate is so high because the gender lines are so scewed.  i wish we could go back to traditional roles where mom stayed hone and raised the children and dad earned the income.  i think we would then see a decrease in teen pregnancies, teen crime and a much lower divorce/infidelity rate.  

    go ahead..........let me have it.

    i have no doubt that the 2 people who gave me the 'thumbs down' are two people that either had children at young ages (and weren't married), been in jail, messed around on their significant other or all of the above.  point made.

  5. Joe, it's naptime.  The political season has gotten to you.

  6. How are the Obama's taking care of their children when they are both out campaigning in different places.  School is about to start in Chicago so will they quit the campaign trail?

  7. Can you spell NANNY.

  8. Yes, thank the Lord she had her baby. She is pro-life.

  9. Any professional woman has learned balance and she has a great family foundation on her side

  10. the same way a successful governor does

    the same way a man would

    it is 2008 .....i can't believe people still think it is okay to ask such things of women

    with all due respect i think your question is sexist

    do you believe mothers shouldn't have careers?

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