
Can a woman ever have too many clothes?

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Unlike men, we arent as simple... I've had to pack two big rubble bags with clothes for charity (I dont mind), because I have a mini boutique going on in my walldrobe (so says the man of the house).

Is it only women who get why its sort of necessary to have the same style of boots in 3 different colours or am I just being shallow?




  1. I wouldn't say shallow, maybe undeep.

  2. Again, I speak with regards to experiences with my wife.

    Whenever there is a wedding (we attend quite a few) or any formal gathering, she never wears the same outfit twice. She has her own personal dressmaker who tends to her needs. Need I say more...

  3. Yes - they can - especially when you trying to get them out of them....

  4. no not just girls some guys do to mainly when there g*y but well u no my best friend is g*y so you no it comes in handy lol

  5. Absolutely not, I have a full boutique going on in my closet.  Clothes are what makes us women, we love them, enjoy them and they should never ever take second place. LOL.

  6. Not because you need new ones, it's just great, i love to to buy and wear new clothes.................not like my grandma use to say   - 1 in die was, 1 in die kas en 1 aan die bas

  7. A woman can never have enough clothes dear.   Don't feel bad you are not alone.

    PS: I just love Skooby78's wife!

  8. I know exactly what you mean! I recently moved and had no space to put all my clothes and shoes. . .

    I started to think that maybe this was a good time to also put clothes aside that I dont wear and donate them to charity. I alse came up with 2 black bags.

    Having filled up 2 bags I found this rather strange that about 3 months ago, I had went through the same exercise and also filled up 2 bags.

    Made me realise that in fact I do have alot clothes!!!!! Too much if you ask me.

    1) Theres the one's I dont fit into anymore, but keep just to remind me of how I used to look

    2)Theres the one that also dont fit me anymore but I swear I will fit into again

    3)Theres also the ones I just wont part with, whether they look nice or not (normally my branded items)

    4) And finally the ones I keep for a "special occassion" that hasnt come up for the last 6 months. . . .

    I have now decided to not but any more clothes for the next 3 months, will keep you posted to see how long thats gonna last. . .

  9. I don't have that problem. All my clothes can fit in one cupboard and I have only 8 pairs of shoes. I have more important things that I have to spend money on.

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