
Can a woman get pregnant after d&c and before next period?

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I suffered my first miscarriage and had a D&C on July 4,2008. I was just wondering if a woman can get pregnant after the D&C but before her next period. I desperately want to get pregnant again and have a baby but I was told to wait until I have 2 full cycles before trying again. It's been 6 weeks and no period. Any answers would be great, thanks.




  1. Yes you can get pregnant.  You will still ovulate.  The only problem is that they removed your uterine lining during the d&c and it may be difficult for the egg to stick to your newly built wall.  They usually say to wait 3 months, so your wall can get back to it's condition pre conception, before attempting conceiving again.  

    Also, a d&c is a very traumatizing experience.  It could have thrown your period off.  For instance after a pregnancy you usually have to wait a month or two until your period resumes.

    It would be wise to listen to your doctors.  They don't say these things for their own good.  To miscarry again, due to not waiting long enough, would be more traumatizing then waiting another month or two.  

  2. yes you can i ovulated about 3 wks after my d&c and became pregnant straight away and my dr said this was fine

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