
Can a woman get pregnant the first time she is having s*x with a man (it's her first time)?

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are there any requirements?




  1. I know at least 2 young girls that got pregnant because they thought that it was ok to have s*x just once.  From the very first time you have s*x, you have a chance of getting pregnant, even if on birth control. I know a few women who were on B/C and got pregnant as well.  IF you are not 100% sure that you want a baby, don't have s*x at all, until you are.

  2. My oldest son is living proof that it does happen, even when you use protection.

  3. Yeah you can, so be careful unless pregnancy is what you want!!

  4. YES.

  5. Nope, anytime you have s*x, unprotected you can get pregnant.  Even protection can fail.  

  6. yes she can.

    it only takes once.

  7. yes best way 2 prevent it is not to do it at all  

  8. yes

  9. you can get pregant any time you have s*x!

  10. yes she can

  11. of course she can

  12. yes you can get pregnant the first time you ever have s*x, especially if you did not use a form (or two) of birth control.Unfortunatelyy there are no birth control methods available today can or will ensure that you will not get pregnant. Even with use of birth control methods such as the pill, it is best to use a condom, I became pregnant with my second child while on the pill! Not to mention the pill does not protect against STD's! Hope that all goes well, and if you need further references I would check out your local planned parenting, and for online resources check out

  13. yeah

  14. There's always a chance for any puberty stricken girl to get pregnant!

    So use a condom and since she is having s*x...start up on a contraceptive/birthcontrol....Unless you wanna be dada and mama...

  15. yes, use condoms , female condoms, birthcontrol, pull out, but the best way not to get pregnant is that u dont have s*x

  16. omg! Yes!

  17. of course why do you think they say abstinence is the only way to prevent pregnancy there is always a chance of getting pregnant even on birth control there is a very small percentage of getting pregnant but still  

  18. It only takes one time. So, yes.  

  19. Of course.

  20. ever heard of the show secret life of the american teenager?


    its very possible

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