
Can a woman have orgasms if she has had tubes tied?

by  |  earlier

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my girlfriend tells me that she has good o****m's if she is on top of me... she gets wet when i play with her down there but she tells me she cant have any more kids.

she's had her tubes tied...... can she reach o****m.... please help me anyone out there.....................cheers craig




  1. yes she can. o****m's in females are due to a mix of mental and physical stimulus, so as long as the mix is right for her, she should be able to achieve o****m.

  2. Yes. She'll be able to o****m, because her clitoris can still be stimulated, as well as her g-spot. Her reaching an o****m has nothing to do with having kids. Have fun!

  3. Hi

    In a word, YES.

    One has nothing to do with the other.

    She had them tied so as not to have anymore kids, not to stop orgasming.

    Take your time, get to know what she likes and doesn't like through (listening to her) seeing how she reacts to what your are doing to her.



  4. when she tied her tubes, she just restricted eggs from being released to the uterus.   therefore unable to be fertilized resulting in pregnancy...but everything works just like normal....i believe she will still get a period (i think that u lose ur period only if u have a hystorectimy) but im not 100%  but yes, she will have orgasms!

  5. there should be no coorelation between the two...

  6. Yes, your tubes have nothing to do with being able to achieve o****m.

  7. yes she can ..even multiples.. us women are so lucky there.. the fact I can't get pregnant  [after having the 6 kids I wanted] means a lot .. s*x is better now with no chance of a pregnancy..

  8. yeah she can, homie

  9. Yeah she should be able to..

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