
Can a woman raise a boy to be a man?

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I mean be the one that teaches him the ropes. I was raised by just my mom but i learned a Looooooooooooooooooooooot of stuff from school, T.V. and my uncles.

I don't believe a woman can but at the same time my arguement isn't that strong & i could easily be persuaded. I mean does it take a villiage to raise a child still?




  1. As a single mom raising 1 boy (14) and 2 girls (12 and 17)...their father has not been around for over 12 years since he was killed in an accident in Yosemite Aug. of 1995. I have raised my son Erick to be kind, sweet and loving....but I have also seen to his masculine side as much as a mom can...he has ALWAYS been VERY Athletic and has pretty much been in every sport around...2 years baseball,3 years soccer,2 years of track, 5 years of Wrestling (2x MVP,5x top 3 State and 3x Invitational Champion) and 5 years so far American Football (2x MVP, and 2x All-League Running Back) now some of the credit does go to wonderful Coaches that have been terrific Role Models for him and given him alot of attention over the years...but 90 % of his mentoring has come from me...His Mother...he is helpful around the house...sometimes mouthy and Arrogant, sometimes a 'Silver Tongue Devil'....He's a GREAT KID and I Take MOST of the Credit for that...He also holds a 3.8 GPA !!!

  2. yes she can it is all about instilling good values in morals in him and some stuff he will learn on his own

  3. I think a respectable woman is the only person who can raise a boy to become a man. a man on the other hand can teach a boy to be a boy. being a man is about giving and having respect I believe that woman is a large part of that understanding. Hope this helps and makes sense to you.

  4. It can be done but it is extremely difficult. Without an appropriate male role model to look up to, a boy has a very difficult time figuring out what is really necessary to be a man. Certainly popular culture doesn't provide the answer. It is no shock that almost every young man who turns to crime either has no father or has a rotten one.

  5. No. That is not true.

  6. my brother and I were raised by my single mom. He was the only boy in a house of 3 women.  I don't know how he survived! haha  But one thing I do have to say, despite my moms hardships and what brother is a fine man now....a mans man...she taught him the morals (you know, honor...respect...chivalry....responsibi... needed to live by out there in the world and the rest he got from everywhere else he could....I have a lot of respect for the both of them and  I do also  have to say it takes a strong woman to raise a real man.

  7. Depends on how tough you are.  If you are overprotective, sensitive and baby him, then NO.  I believe every child needs a man in their life (uncle, grandpa, whatever).

  8. Heck yeah! You have to be a pretty cool mom. I'm a tomboy, so I guess that I could teach my son to be a man like not to be sensitive and that stuff.

  9. There are plenty of successfull men (Basketball stars, Actors, Football players) that have been raised in single-parent homes by their mothers or grandmothers. Yes, I do believe that a woman can raise a boy to be a man...

  10. if your a single mother and have a boy and are wondering if h**l grow up to be a man becuase theres no manly figure than it dependshow the mother acts if you are more of like a tomboy than a women then it kould be possible

  11. Obviously your uncles, televison and "stuff from school" didn't teach you much.  

    Yes a woman CAN raise a son on her own.  I have an aunt who has raised four sons on her own...Three are in the Marines, the 4th is still in high school.  The oldest has been decorated and all three have seen action in Iraq.  They didn't learn about respecting their country and the freedoms they are afforded in school, from uncles or on the television.


    I WOULD BE A p***y....





  13. I think it's better if the husband teaches his son to be a man, because he has more experience.

  14. Yes a woman can raise a boy to be a man.  I have 3 boys ages 12, 6 and 5.  The oldest doesn't have his father in the picture but the 6 and 5 year old have their daddy.  Either way I am raising all 3, with or without help.  As a mother, I teach them respect and sensitivity and I also rough house with them and take them fishing and so on.  I am a tomboy myself, so I know I can raise boys to be men.

    I am also married and my husband helps to.  But even when I was a single mom, I was doing it.

    It is great watching these little boys grow up....I will be a proud mother once they are all grown and young men.

    Woman can raise boys to be men ans well as a man can raise a girl to be a lady.

  15. Yes, but they need to explain the things that society deems differences in men from women.  It gives the boy a prospective of the female views which can make them a better man for it.  I do think a big brother type person is very good for boys in this situation for male role models.

  16. In generations past, men were away from home most of the time, leaving the women to raise their children. These are the men of today. So I gues what I'm saying is YES they can!

  17. No, it does take a village.  Woman have had to raise their sons alone ever since the invention of war and factories, and overall they seemed to have managed quite well.  But boys ultimately learn the "manliness" stuff from each other and from whatever adult male role models they latch on to, uncles, neighbors, teachers, coaches--or sometimes strangers.

    How ironic that in "T2" John Conner's "adult male role model" was one of the machines he was destined to fight against.  Role models are where you find them, I guess.

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