
Can a woman sign up for a draft?

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I know guys have to when they turn eighteen and girls don't have to, but can they do it if they want to?

As a US citizen I want to be there when there if the time ever comes to defend my country. I'm not looking at this from a female-rights point of view, just as an American's point of view.

So... would I be allowed to sign up, even though I don't have to, for a draft?




  1. We don't have a draft.  Young men have to sign up for Selective Service, which gives the government their information in case there would be cause for a draft.  If you want to serve your country then all you have to do is go to a recruitment center in your town and enlist.  We have an all-volunteer armed services.  Men and women alike are allowed to enlist.  There are many fantastic women serving in our armed services currently, serving our great country with pride and dignity.  We should thank each and every one of them for the sacrifices they are making and have made in volunteering to serve.

  2. Xynthan,

    One doesn't sign up for the draft, one register's for the draft.  This is so the government knows (theoretically) the numbers of men available if our country had to institute the draft.  You can't register, because laws have never been changed to allow the US to forcibly enter women into the armed forces.  As long as the law prohibits this, you're not eligible to register because you are female.

    It's great that you have such patriotism, and it would seem to me that now is the time for you to support our military, and although you can't be forced to join, you could certainly voluntarily join one of the different branches now.  

    Barring this, what would be the point of you registering for the draft, if you aren't willing to volunteer for armed service today?  If you don't agree with the current conflict and are unwilling to join now because of this, what's to say you would agree with a future conflict where you were "registered" to draft and got called up for military duty?

    good luck

  3. no, women cannot sign up for draft registration.

  4. Well, considering there isn't a draft, it may be a bit difficult.

    If you wish to serve the military, you could just call a recruiter though.

  5. No, women can't sign up for the draft.  The policy was challenged in the Supreme Court in 1981 and not drafting women was determined not to violate due process.  In 1994, President Clinton had the policy reexamined, and it was determined that since women are excluded from front line combat, keeping women out of selective service is valid.  The determination of the Dept of Defense was that the policy can come up for review at any time.  

  6. Just volunteer instead and takes for caring about the future.

  7. Previous drafts in the US have never included women.  The selective service registration doesn't apply to women.

  8. You could enlist.  

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