
Can a woman with a really big nose still be attractive?

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haha im am one of those blessed people that not only have a large nose, but i have a five head to match it, but i love every mile of both ;]




  1. Of course!  Beauty is in the eye or the beholder.

  2. Of Course!!! Self confidence shows on the outside more than people think. If you hate your nose try to look at yourself and say this is how I am. If you can't do that maybe a nose job would help. But honestly once you start liking the way you look and start doing something about it others will notice a change in you. A beautiful change.

  3. Even with a big nose, if you think you are attractive and feel confident about your looks then other people will think you are attractive too.  You sound like a confident woman and I bet you have had many admirers. Look at Barbara Streisand for example.  She has a large nose and she has been with many handsome men and she is quite attractive.  

  4. It's not what you look like but how you carry yourself, your confidence, you style. My Brothers wife is the most beautiful woman I know. Now, having stated that I have to tell you that if you were to look at her from a purely physical I tell ya, She didn't just get hit with the ugly stick but the whole tree must have fallen on her real hard. But it's who she is and not what that makes her a fine lady and a great find for the entire family.

  5. I have seen women with large noses that are extremely beautiful!

  6. Yes, just highlight something else, like your eyes or your lips, by applying make-up to enhance them and pull the attention away from your nose. And if you are uncomfortable with your forhead just follow all the basic trends that Rihanna uses, or simply get bangs. Best of luck!

  7. Of course. Like you said, you're blessed =)

  8. Of course. =]

    Especially since you aren't self-concious about it.  

  9. by focusing on a different feature. for example i have a nose that isnt that small so i focus on my eyes. i use a mascara and a little eyeliner while leaving the rest of my face minimalistic.

    people with large noses arent ugly. most are very beautiful. they have something that sets them apart from everyone else

  10. Well my Aunt Linda has a "big nose" but man, she is like so gorgeous~+ she's 50 !! {a LOT of men were always attracted to her}

    And just take a look at Cher, she dolls herself up and all and always looked beautiful. She has a big nose. I mean think about it,--isn't it kinda boring when they advertise so much the SAME type of image?

    Jennifer Grey ruined her image and her career by "fixing her nose".

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