
Can a woman without custody get a restraining order (or the like) for her kids?

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I've baby-sat for a woman's child (later, children) for three years. Sometimes, it would be for a few hours. On a few occasions, it was for well over a week. Last year, this woman lost custody of her kids and plead guilty of criminal child abuse. Her mother has custody of the kids until a permanency hearing is held. In the last year, I have baby-sat the kids many times for the grandmother, who adores me. The kids adore me as well.

The mother has always hated me, has never had anything nice to say about me, you get the idea. Yet when she wanted to go out, I was the one who took care of her kids. She's known that I've baby-sat the kids during all the recent drama, but today was the first time she's stirred up a lot of c**p about it.

She has decided that I am not to come near her kids, not to see them, not to allow them at my home, not to speak with them, and definitely not provide care for them. The grandmother has brushed this off, but I admit, I am concerned. This psychotic woman has nothing better to do than threaten to turn her lawyer onto different people for whatever reason strikes her fancy.

Is there any way she can prevent me from taking care of her kids? I have never, ever threatened, stalked, or otherwise caused any harm towards this woman. Any contact with her has been in the presence of no less than 3 witnesses (all over the age of 21) at any given time in the years I've known her. I treat these kids as if they were my own family because I've cared for both of them since they were infants.

I am 25 with a perfectly clean record. I've met the kids' social workers on many occasions and even the oldest one's therapist. I used to be certified in Pennsylvania to care for juvenile delinquents and have passed three background checks (two this year) for PA and Kentucky (where we live). I've never even had a parking ticket.

So yeah... thoughts?




  1. If she has absolutely NO custody then it's more likely than not that she cannot get a restraining order against you.  The person who has custody is who can choose that you are to be the babysitter.  In very extreme cases, she could attempt to get one, but she must prove that you are a horrible person and that her children are in immediate danger by being in your care.  By your story it doesn't sound like that would ever happen.  The only thing that can keep you from babysitting her children at the request of the person who has custody of those children is a court order.  Isn't going to happen in my opinion.

  2. Just judging the fact that she DOES NOT have custody of her children, I do not believe she can file legal actions on their behalf unless or until this changes. Unless she has partial custody. Interestingly, you are well within your rights to file a restraining order against her ;)

  3. hang back until the permanency hearing is decided.

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