
Can a womans masculine side impregnate a mans feminine side?

by  |  earlier

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Speaking in Esoteric or Psychological terms of course




  1. I suppose if they were both transgendered...yes.

  2. only with ideas ~

  3. Impregnate? I don't think so. Perhaps thru Osmosis? haha

  4. Anything's possible.  Lol, you made me laugh about your boss.  Gosh I know that feeling well.

    Good luck mate.

  5. I don't think Jung's theories were really clear on that point, but you can always try.

  6. In a true covenant of love, a man and woman form a synergistic energy that rises and spikes through the flow of long-term relationships to be more than the sum of the two individuals' energy and potential.  During those zeniths of synergy, either the man or the woman can catalyze and potentiate the other's rise within himself or herself.  It feels like rocket fuel.  There's then a "gestational" component as something always good grows out of that in the months that follow.  I never thought of it as masculine or feminine, just leap-frogging lovers of the same heart.

  7. It's possible. Just forces of nature @ work.

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