
Can a women tell if I cheated just by looking in my eyes?

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calm down folks: i have not nor do i plan on cheating on her. She is creole and knows voo-doo LOL




  1. YES. YES. We are magical that way.

  2. Maybe she can because she knows you well.  Me on the other hand, no, I couldn't tell by your eyes.  Also, maybe she is just saying that to get you so worried that she will find that you won't cheat.  Either way, don't cheat and everything will be fine!

  3. HAHA, they wish. I'd bet money that every woman who answered this question has been burned at one time or another and still might  not have a clue.

    You should never cheat on your lady, but if you do, you're probably going to get caught because of your inability to juggle two women effectively (only very few men can, but even they can't keep it up for long). Her "womens intuition" is about as rational and flawless as she is. LOL

  4. YES! They can, if you stutter, trembles, falters, can not look them straight in the eye, shows hesitation, becomes nervous, got mad... huh! better admit fault than lie.. they'll catch you anyway.

    Just for info.. in the invention of the Polygraph, it was woman named Elizabeth Martzon, who suggested that when a person got mad or excited the blood's systolic rises, a concept used in its development.... how about that!!

  5. Oh yes!  Seriously lol Woman's intuition you cheating b*****d

  6. Wear shades next time. Women do look into men's eyes because most people that lie cannot look someone straight in the eye.

  7. Women tend to go off of intuition.  Some people make the unknown obvious in their actions, like looking so suspicious, or being slightly frantic with their actions. Even cutting a conversation too short to avoid a triggered argument pertaining to their guilt.

  8. yup... women can sense when their bf or husbands have changed by any little sign.. most women have that skill...

  9. It's not just about women & cheating. People in general can sense when someone is lying to them...About anything! There are certain physical signs the liar always succumbs to. I have learned to become sensitive to those & thus, catch liars in their tracks.

  10. not if your a pathological lier  

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