
Can a yeast infection cause a positive pregnancy test result?

by  |  earlier

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Basically...I'm trying to figure out if I am pregnant or if it's just a yeast infection I keep getting before my period...I am late, my b*****s hurt and are getting huge, I'm throwing up all the time, I'm a vegetarian NO MORE! Awful cravings, peeing all the time,and aching all over etc. but I didn't have s*x with my boyfriend.There was only foreplay, of which yeah...there was a little bit of contact.TINY BIT! I swear..I'm more careful then that.




  1. you should go to the doctor.

  2. No.  

  3. You need to see a doctor, not only for a pregnancy test, but because you sound pretty sick anyway. Good luck!

  4. no a yeast infection can't give u a pos preg test.  u could be preg.  go see ur obgyn.  soon.  better to know  

  5. No but pregnancy can cause a yeast infection.

  6. I would talk to a doctor since pregnancy can cause yeast infections

    good luck

  7. All you need is ONE sperm...... also allt he sperm needs to do is come in direct contact with your labia.... and poof from there all bets are off..... So so get another HPT and pee on the stick....

  8. No, preg tests test for a hormone that is released into your urine, that same hormone is not released during a yeast infection.  False positives are very rare.

  9. Nevery heard of a yeast infection that can make you  positive for pregnancy test.  Did you do a pregnancy test?  Because you did not mention it.  If you didn't do a pregnancy test go get one and ask the pharmacy which one is best.  Or call your doctor and make an appointment.

  10. no s*x no baby

  11. Usually, only pregnancy causes positive test results. There are a few meds out there (all of them are hormone meds, and not birth control) that can cause a false positive. Like someone else said, pregnancy (or other hormonal changes) can cause a yeast infection.

    I would definitely get it checked out by the doctor - a blood test can confirm for sure.  

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