
Can abortion make or break a marriage?

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Should love between the spouses come first than anything?

Not because you don't want a child with them but because your husband forced you to.

not exactly force you but you know.

when you weren't ready.

\Wife or husband wasn't ready for the baby, then what?

would you work it out or just leave?

both partners.

an abortion shouldn't break a marriage. You got married to the persno because you love them no matter what, right?

if it breaks, there was never anything.

but you should inform the other person your feelings

I believe.

What do you believe?




  1. There is no black and white to this issue. Abortion is a very touchy subject for good reason.

    An abortion would end my marriage. Not because I loved my husband less, but because our beliefs are too different. If my husband wasn't ready for a child and wanted me to abort, then it would be over. I'm pro choice for other people. It's not my place to judge or tell them what to believe, but for myself, I just couldn't do it. He would either have to commit himself to the responsibility of being a father, or I would do it alone. After all no birth control is 100%. We know that from basic s*x education, so if he didn't even consider the possibility of an unplanned pregnancy, and he's not ready for a family, then he shouldn't have married me in the first place.

  2. Abortion isn't black and white and CAN break a marriage.

    With the consideration of abortion within a marriage comes other issues that the couple may not have dealt with prior to getting married.  Ideally, if the woman finds herself unexpectedly pregnant the couple is first shocked then gets over it and deals with it.  If abortion is thrown around though, it points to the fact that one or both may/may not want kids or are too immature to have's also a difference in fundamental beliefs.  Some are adamantly against it and see it as murder while the other doesn't see the issue in that same way and this can lead to resentment and eventually to the end of a marriage.

  3. Some one kills your unborn son or daughter and has a "so what, it;s no different than losing a stamp" attitude about it, why would YOU WANT to remain  married to someone so selfish,self centered and cold hearted?If they could do something like that to an unborn baby,their OWN FLESH AND BLOOD,I shudder to think of what they could do to their own spouse.

    If you didn't WANT kids, YOU,YES YOU could have had your tubes tied,made him use a condom and you get on the pill.Do not blame HIM for YOUR irresponsibility hon.YOU have power over YOUR OWN body.

    Anyone who would ask his wife to murder her their own unborn son or daughter,is heartless and loves no one but themself.

    Next, unless he held you at gun point or overpowered you physically and raped you until you were pregnant, he did NOT in ANY WAY "FORCE" you to have a kid.

  4. I made that mistake along time ago.  I know have 3 beautiful children and realize that i could have had four.  I am a Christian and have asked God to forgive me for that.  It eats at me and every year on that day I cry.  God loves all children and knows the child before its even in the womb.  If you are married, then God has planned that Child in your lives for a reason.  That is murder. Abortion is a horrible thing.  I will one day be judged for my decision by God. There is no justification for murder.  God will provide for the couple and the child.  All children are innocent and don't ask to be brought up in this world. There are other alternatives. Adoption or keeping the beautiful innocent gift from God.  All the reasons for abortion are selfish.

    p.s. Abortion breaks more then a marriage.  It breaks everything including the one's heart who does it.

  5. It should be looked at on the same page, and this should be talked about b4 marriage.  If there is no agreement then they shouldn't of married, but if he didn't want one he should have wore his hat ont he way in.  Yes it can break one.  So did you get the abortion on your own or did he want it and said if you don't I am that case it could definitely severe it.

  6. I believe if the two of them were married they shouldn't of had the abortion in the first place.  If they are old enough to get married then they should of been old enough to use protection.  

  7. i believe i'm confused

  8. Both

  9. Abortion is murder.


  10. I think it is pretty clear just from the variety of the answers here that abortion can break up a marriage if each partner has strong enough feelings about the issue.

    Then again, marriage shouldn't be entered into lightly and one would hope that the issue of abortion would come up at some point in conversation while dating or engaged. If it didn't, and two people faced the abortion issue while married, hopefully it is something that can be worked through, regardless of whatever decision the woman makes.

    However if this is your situation, this is something you need to figure out on your own. How do you feel about him or her? Do you feel the same way about him or her now that you know their stance on abortion or now that abortion is an issue in the marriage? Then again, was your spouse supportive of your decision or did they try to make you do something you normally wouldn't do?

    I believe that two people should know enough about each other and share the same ideas and goals for the different stages of their married life together. And if they hit a speed bump, hopefully they can work it out, but if not, then perhaps it wasn't meant to be.  

  11. You are married and have unprotected s*x at your own free will. You get pregnant. I say you do not kill the poor child because you are selfish and don't understand the concept of birth control. You need to communicate. If you are not ready and your spouse is then you need to find a time when you are both ready or closer to agreeing. If God blessed you with a pregnancy then you should see it through. If you have an abortion it will haunt you for the rest of your life. I have several friends that have never gotten over it.  

  12. I think it can absolutely break a marriage.  I may be biased, I am pro-choice, but I think an abortion in a marriage is born of selfishness and not really desperation.  Save the abortions for impoverished single women, rape and incest victims and the young.

  13. If one partner wants the baby then it will break the marriage.

  14. Like i said to you in other posts, it's your right to choose, no one can make this choice for you, we can only give u opinions, clearly you are confused, i can tell by how many times you re-posted the question. In all honesty, Your marriage will change so much if you do this.... especially if he wants the baby. It did mine, and things have never been the same. He cried and it made me realize i was hurting him too by my decision. Sometimes we do things without thinking them through, and once this is done, you can never take it back. There is no easy answer here... but i think after you hold your baby you will be so glad you did the right thing...Good luck and god bless


  15. Abortion is a very sensitive subject because we are talking about life and death here.  These types of moral choices should be discussed while dating to find out if you're a good match.  

    Something like abortion could easily rip a marriage in half.  

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