
Can acupuncture help my nail biting habit?

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I've tried many method to stop but nothing worked so far. I'm afraid of needle but willing to try this. Can it work really?




  1. ive been biting my nails since i was 5 and im now 21. Its a very hard habit to break and I do not know if acupuncture will help but I have stoped before for 6 months and this is what I though of. Think about how 100's germs and microorganisms are everywhere and every time you touch something they are likely to get on and under your nails. Also think about the attractiveness of people that have long pretty nails! Getting your nails done is also a good way.

  2. I have bitten my nails for my whole life---about 23 years now...  I bit them really bad...until they bled, down to the white moon-looking thing. I've tried everything--including those nail polishes(they dint work). I even tried accupuncture and hypnitism...never worked!!

    I found this product on-line called "Control-It" is the ONLY thing that I am completely disgusted by.

    It tastes HORRIBLE!!! It was about $20 for about a months supply----but it lasts WELL over a month(I've been using it for about 3 months now). It comes in this little 1/4 oz. looks small...but it goes a LONG way. It is like a balm-typed cream--that you just dab on your nails. It is the only thing that has helped! My nails look amazing! After your nails start to heal, you'll notice that the skin below your cuticle is starting to get little peels--its's the skin repairing it self! It works so well.  I also got one of those 7-way nail buffers which helped with making the nails look decent, because as your nails grow they are going to be jagged looking-trust me--this stuff works!

  3. Maybe, but probably not by itself.

    Some forms of acupuncture, auricular (ear treatment) in particular, have shown to have a calming effect on the central nervous system, and so may reduce anxiety and compulsive behavior.  That said, even if the treatment were successful, you would likely need to keep doing it to have continued results.

    You might consider acupuncture in conjunction with behavioral/cognitive therapy, which would likely work better (acupuncture to reduce anxiety, therapy to adjust habits).

    Good Luck!

  4. NO,i got rid of it by keeping busy all the time,or you could try putting something gross like hot sauce on your nail and you will remeber not to,lol

    Good luck-jo-jo!

  5. keep putting habanero pepper juice on them and I guarantee u won't bite them but once . . .

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