
Can adhd get worse or harder to manage?

by Guest44590  |  earlier

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I am a 23 year old male. I was diagnosed as a child with ADHD. My parents did not like the medication so they put me in martial arts where i learned control and ways to manage the disorder. I have always been able to manage it by staying busy mind games puzzles multitasking at work and what not. It has always affected my ability to fall asleep my mind races through the day but i could generally fall asleep and get my 6-8 hours. For the past few weeks i do not think i have gotten more than 4 hours of sleep a day. I am way more fidgety I cant sit still it is really affecting my ability to do my job. So my questions really are can adhd get worse or harder to manage? should I visit a doctor and try one of the medications for this?




  1. First, congratulations to you for being able to keep it under control on your own.  It's not easy, but manageable.  That's truly great.  :)

    Second -- yes, it certainly can get worse (or better) with other influences.  I have ADD, since elementary school (always daydreaming, never knew where the time went), and I still struggle.  

    I have problems when work/ school get stressful, and I have to step back and take some time to myself.  I have problems when I eat too much sugar, and I have to cut back. Same thing if my diet gets worse in general (too many carbs, not enough protein, any imbalance).  It gets bad when I don't get enough sleep (like if I'm doing too much and don't have time to get to bed early).  

    Basically, I've found that ADD/ADHD gets worse if you have some sort of imbalance or dramatic change in your life.  It's not easy to bring yourself back to balance -- but it seems like you've been able to in the past, and you probably can again.  Just stay self-aware, bring yourself back into balance, and you should be fine.  There are many diets out there for ADD/ADHD people, but go with what works for you. Give yourself 2-3 months (hard, I know, but it takes time), and go from there.

    Good luck!

  2. I think at 23 you're definitely old enough to take control of your own health.  It can't hurt to see a doctor and tell them exactly what you've told us here.  I don't know whether or not ADHD can worsen, though.  I'm new to this arena, as my 7 year old son was just diagnosed this summer, but he is on the Daytrana patch, which is working very well!  Good luck to you!!

  3. I have the inattentive non hyperactive type, but I have noticed that I get WAY worse when I don't eat enough protein.  Also, getting too much or not enough sleep will make it worse.

    You might rethink the medication thing.  The initial dose of Adderall I was prescribed was way too much, in my opinion (even though it was a small dose).  I took it as directed and I did NOT like the way I felt.  I took less the next day and felt much better.  I reduce the dose from 1/3 to 1/2, depending on how I feel that day and whether or not I need to concentrate late in the day.  I still get the benefits but I don't get the nasty, uncomfortable side effects.  

  4. ADHD isn't hard to manage at all you jut have to be able to use up the extra energy you have, i think it is a gift as you said you multitask and things like that you can jump in between subjects and then trace them all back, so use it to you advantage and you can have more ideas for your work or get promotions. DO NOT TAKE THE MEDICINE! i used to when i was younger and sure it helped me focus in elementary but i was small and once i learned what it was i could control it and i surpassed all my classmates because i  found connections, but in order to do this and use it i have found you need sleep and as you said your getting 4 hours of sleep well that wont do, you need to get you sleep in order to control it even if you have more energy you also have more to control it. and if you feel fidgity at work then take some running clothes with you and go for a little jog at your lunch period it will us some of your energy and it clears you mind. it is how i control it. (i have had ADHD since i was in first grade and I'm now im a junior running i have found to be the most affective solution to it martial arts dident help me to much) i hope i helped alittle

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