
Can adults be legally adopted by their stepparents?

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Can people over the age of eighteen be legally adopted by their stepparents? What about people over the age of twenty-one?




  1. Yes, you can. I am looking into it as well. Later this year my step-father is going to adopt me. I am well over 21. My county states this:

    Who May be Adopted? (back to top)

    1. A Minor child

    2. An adult person determined to be totally and permanently disabled or mentally retarded

    3. An adult may adopt another adult provided a parent-child relationship existed during the adoptee's minority.

    I would fall under the 3rd option. Contact your local county probate court for more information. They might have all in the information online, like my county probate court does.

  2. Yes, most states allow adult adoptions, though laws may vary slightly as to the processes and criteria.

  3. No, they cannot after the age of 18.

  4. i dont know

  5. yes, adults of any age can be adopted if they give consent to be adopted.  I know a woman who's a foster mom; and when the kids are 18, she gives them the choice of  whether or not they want to be adopted by her.  Most of them like her and think of her as a mother anyway, so they choose to be adopted.  However, nobody can force an adult to be adopted if they don't want to be.

  6. no. once your an adult in the eyes of the government, you are no longer adoptable by anyone.

  7. I doubt it.  Sounds redundant.  Typically children are adopted prior to the age of 18, once they are an adult why bother?

  8. Nope, you're legally emancipated from any parents after the age of 18.

  9. they can't be legally adopted, but the child can change his or her last name to be that of the stepfathers.  if it is stepmother, just call them your mother.

    I don't htink a name can be changed on a birth certificate then(as the parents), but talk to lawyer about it.  It doesn't really matter what it says on paper at that point, its who you care for in your heart and who you call mom and dad.

  10. yes.. they can adopt any age.

    adoption is like picking your children...

    no age req.

  11. It all depends on which state or province you live in.  I adopted an adult last year.  I had to get residency in another jurisdiction though to do it.

  12. A person can be adopted at any age. The only difference once they are legally adults they don’t need their biological parents or whoever their legal parent is to agree to the adoption.

  13. Hm!  This is a very interesting question.  Unfortunately, I don't know the answer, but I'd love to hear what you find out.  Update us and let us know what you find!  Good luck!

  14. I think you can be legally adopted at any age.

  15. Any person at any age can be adopted.

  16. Yes, adults can be legally adopted.

  17. naaah..

    once you turn eighteen no one can do anything.

    your an adult.

  18. they can't in new zealand, so I would assume the law in the UK is the same.

  19. Adoption laws vary by state, but many states allow adult the following for facts about your state.

  20. there's no need to.  Adoption simply means to be placed in one's care.  however, once over the legal age limit of adulthood, there's no need for it anymore.

  21. There are provisions under the law for adult adoptions.  You would have to check your own state's laws regarding the criteria.  In California, where I live, it is a simple matter.

    Adult adoptions have a very, very long history, going back to ancient civilizations.  The adoption of an adult male ensured that royal lines would continue and that a male heir existed if such was not the case by birth.  Although adults adopt other adults for various reasons,  people still use adult adoption most commonly for purposes of making certain that another person will be the legal heir.  

    Here is the legal code for adult adoptions in California, just for example's sake.

    9300.  (a) An adult may be adopted by another adult, including a

    stepparent, as provided in this part.

       (b) A married minor may be adopted in the same manner as an adult

    under this part.

    9301.  A married person who is not lawfully separated from the

    person's spouse may not adopt an adult without the consent of the

    spouse, provided that the spouse is capable of giving that consent.

    9302.  (a) A married person who is not lawfully separated from the

    person's spouse may not be adopted without the consent of the spouse,

    provided that the spouse is capable of giving that consent.

       (b) The consent of the parents of the proposed adoptee, of the

    department, or of any other person is not required.

    9303.  (a) A person may not adopt more than one unrelated adult

    under this part within one year of the person's adoption of an

    unrelated adult, unless the proposed adoptee is the biological

    sibling of a person previously adopted pursuant to this part or

    unless the proposed adoptee is disabled or physically handicapped.

       (b) A person may not adopt an unrelated adult under this part

    within one year of an adoption of another person under this part by

    the prospective adoptive parent's spouse, unless the proposed adoptee

    is a biological sibling of a person previously adopted pursuant to

    this part.

    9304.  A person adopted pursuant to this part may take the family

    name of the adoptive parent.

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