
Can afircan albino clawed frogs survive outside of water?

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i have an albino african clawed frog and i was wondering if he would survive living in a dry tank




  1. Absolutely not- not for more than a couple of very stressful hours anyway. They are totally aquatic frogs. Even in the wild, you would never see one out of the water. Maybe in the shallows to sun itself, but never just out. Their skin does not retain any water and they dehydrate rapidly.

  2. Absolutely not.  Why don't you test it out on a goldfish first.  Mine got out once, and after tearing my bedroom apart I gave up.  I turned of the light and went to sleep, and about thirty minutes later I found her swishing around in a beer mug.  They will search for water desperately when left in a dry area, and can tear up their webbing and skin if they dry.

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