
Can all, most, about half, some, very few or no species of bacteria survive underwater for a month?

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Can all, most, about half, some, very few or no species of bacteria survive underwater for a month?




  1. yes

  2. To be honest, I don't really know the answer.

    But if this is in reference to your other question of whether the bacteria could survive Noah's Flood,

    ... keep in mind that the Flood supposedly covered the earth for about a year, not a month.  But even after that, the fatal bacteria would have had to wait until the animals had repopulated before infecting some of them.  E.g. how many years after Noah and family started repopulating the human race into large enough populations, before all the currently fatal diseases that we know about could have infected some humans but not all?

    P.S. my point with my answer here, and in the other post, is not to ridicule the story, or call it "false."   It's to point out that trying to analyse it as *LITERALLY* true is just going to run into too many logical or scientifically indefensible problems.  See my answer to your other link for more.

  3. Depends on your definition of underwater, and your definition of surviving.

    "Terrestrial" bacteria live in a moisture film, so, technically, all active living bacteria are underwater.

    For surviving a month, you'd have to be talking about a population and not an individual.  LOL.

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