
Can all Africas problems be traced back to the peoples inclinations to put tribe before country?

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Can all Africas problems be traced back to the peoples inclinations to put tribe before country?




  1. Certainly there are countries in Africa that do not have much of a sense of national unity but I think it would be a bit much to say that was the sole reason for Africa's problems.

  2. Africans want to stick to their traditions and it is the reason that they are not improving in economy and technology.

  3. I wonder how the tribes got along in the past when Africa was just their home and not specified by man as a country?  Maybe if the "tribes" in Africa had been left alone, they would be doing just fine.  However, as in the history of most other peoples, other people came in and killed off or took away a lot of the indigenouse people as slaves.  

    I am a little tired of hearing white/black in all this.  All through history people of all nationalities were making slaves of others - even their own.   It happened in Europe, China, Africa, Mexico, etc.  Some blacks in Africa were sold as slaves to all other races BY THEIR OWN PEOPLE in some instances.  Other black tribes raided black tribes and sold them to white slavers, Spanish slavers, etc.

    No one race escaped slavery or subjugation by others - the clans of Scotland were nearly wiped out.

  4. Dont forget about western imperialism, looting, pillaging, and barabarism to the continent.

  5. No.  Every country does that (even America, though we tend to do it more in classes based on money/fame/power levels) and it doesn't slow them down.  In fact, no matter what revolution or coup or any other massive change in government comes along, it always goes back to groups that like to fight each other.  This suggests that this is a normal and even rather natural situation for humans to be in.

    All of Africa's problems can be traced back to two sources--White people and Black People.  Western Europeans came along and saw a landscape full of resources just ripe for the rapin', and a whole lot of people just ripe for the slavin'.  And as white people often do, they found justification in the Bible and the barrel of a gun and set to work destroying Africa.

    Of course as white people often do, they get that white guilt thing going (usually around the time the resources of some other country are found) and they left.  And no restoring anything in the country they left, because "haven't we done enough already."  

    It's cool though.  They left a nice little group of black people with guns and a fondness for revenge reprisals to restore order.  And as we all know, the one with the biggest guns also tends to be the one who is also willing to trade with the western nations (who refuse to work with dictators, and yet somehow all of our equipment still winds up in their hands and all of their money shows up in ours--still working on how that happens, I'll figure it out one day).

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