
Can all the problems that Africa suffers with today be all blamed on Colonization by Europe?

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We all know that Europe targeted the continent of Africa over its natural resources and land mass. All powerful European nations fought over countries and killed indigenous groups, mixed ethnic groups, stripped plentiful resources, plagued continent with diseases. Should all the blame of the current status of Africa be placed on colonizing nations?




  1. The answer I would say is no.  The times of colonialism did prove to bring all the things you mentioned, however, todays problems in Africa are a large part thanks to the Africans themselves.

    One should not forget that early on in the times of the slave trade, many African tribes would take rival tribe members as slaves themselves.  These slaves would often be traded away to Europeans for guns in order for that dominant tribe to harass and dominate other groups.  Likewise in India, a few thousand British did not take control of hundreds of millions of Indians without the Indian caste system and already exsisting exploitation of the commoners amongst the Indian elites themselves.

    Sure Europeans exploited the lands as cash crops without promoting any sort of industrial framework or advancing any type of technological advantage to African colonies.  Something they sometimes did elsewhere such as in South America or South Asia.  Even after Imperialism had been made History, the Europeans still offered foreign aid and help to those nations that bought European weapons.  Weapons that were used to promote violent wars that continue to this very day.

    Overall though, weapons are not bought and fired on their own.  There has to be someone on the other end who is guilty as well.  Many African nations have yet to industrialize and remain in more or less feudal mindsets.  Modern nations exploit this to export war, but it is the Africans themselves who are responsible for waging it.  To the detriment of their own people and continent.

  2. No, it was caused by Willy Wonka stealing the natural resources to gain new and exciting flavours for his various confections.

  3. Bishop Tutu's works answer your question.  He is one of the very few who see a rational future.  His stuff is true in an individual  life.

  4. No, what do you think all of Africa was all peachy and peaceful before the Eruos started showing up and taking over?

  5. No, not at all.  It is of course fashionable to do so and although the colonial period was in many respects 'bad' you only have to research the history to see that during colonial times, the majority of African peoples had more security and a better life than they do today. In countries like the Congo, Zimbabwe, Sudan  and Somalia the colonial powers were pussycats in comparison with the murderous conditions prevailing today. Parts of the continent have simply reverted to the psychopathic barbarity which preceded colonial occupation with the difference today that the flow of arms into the area and the flow of money out into foreign bank accounts is unchecked. The condition of humanity in some of those countries is a disgrace to the international community today.

    You can't blame the colonial powers for it, most of them upped and left many decades ago leaving the territories they had occupied with infrastructure and workable systems of education,  communications, administration and justice.

  6. Africa's problems day are due to the creation of Pseudo-Nation-States without a common cultural origin.The only exceptions happen to be Lesotho and Swaziland.

    As long as a multitude of ethnic groups have to live with each other (in poverty) the risk for ethnic violence, war and economic depression shall be there.

  7. It is all too easy to lay the blame at the door of the 'first world' nations. Though it may well be partially the fault of those nations that originally colonized Africa, bringing European ideals and forcing their own views, religions and moralities on an unsuspecting people.

    Yes Europe claimed territories for them selves and yes when the wealth had gone so did the interest of the empire.

    This is a historical fact.

    A lot of African nations have claimed there Independence and they thrive.

    Some have claimed independence and they don't. This is to do with internal power struggles, wars, famine, the breakdown of infrastructure.

    This is also a historical fact......

    Europe brought stability to a continent that was infighting long before Europe existed.

    They brought government, law,health care, roads, education and stability.

    Europe once ruled America, has that continent torn itself apart?

    They did much the same in America as they did in Africa, indeed much worse, they annihilated the indigenous people there.

    So yes, much that is wrong in Africa was not helped by Europe, but not all of Africa's problems may be blamed on Europe.

  8. You know I don't think it does. China had a serious problem with Europeon colonization. A thousand times worse then any African country and now its what the second most powerful country in the world. I have a reason but since  I don't want to get reported I won't say it.

  9. Yes. They were all eventually kicked out of Africa. It cannot cope without them.

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