
Can an 11 year old ride a shortboard?

by  |  earlier

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im 11 and i have been surfing for 4-5 years in my opinion i am pretty good i have a 7'6'' board and i think im ready for a shortboard like 7'0''ish would it be hard or would i get the hang of it really quickly

** some things i would wanna be doing are like bottom turns and cutbacks




  1. heck yes. ive seen 6 year olds ride a short board haha.

  2. yeah youll do fine, i have been surfing for like 2 summers and i basically learned on a short board, haha i went like backwards but yeah 4-5 years youll do fine just practice alot. and DOnt give you long board away i did and i was sooo upset i got my mom to buy me another one, but for a short board i reccomend getting an AL MERRICK epoxi thats what i have and its great ..

    good luck


  3. Your transition from your 7'6" stick and one a half foot shorter

    will not be that difficult. Your ready now, but keep the shape of

    the angle of the rails similar to that which your used to, and don't go too radical on fin position. Without being able to determine the size of waves your used to riding ( geographic location ), and the shape of the waves ( Hollow, avg lines, mush, ), it's hard to say for sure, but if your surfing a nice fast break that lines out nice and tends to form the tunnel, you'll find the short stick to be the better carver of the two.

  4. The first answer is yes, of course an 11 year old can ride a short board! It has been a long time since I have been around 11 year olds, so I am not sure how tall you are, or about how much 11 year olds weigh. My 8 year old granddaughter rides a 6'6" softop, but she is pretty petite, I guess. What I am getting at is, if you have been surfing for 4-5 years (really surfing) and you can handle yourself fine on a 7'6" (fun shape?), there is no doubt that you can transition to a 6' or even 5' range board. Since 11 year olds (at least not the ones in my social set) don't have big bank accounts, think about getting a used board first, until you have all of the moves. Also, don't forget, you have lots of growing to do, so like the Goldilocks beds, what "just right" for you today, will be "too small" for you tomorrow. That's another good reason to keep it cheap and go used (or a cheap, S****y pop-out). Good luck!  have five grandchildren and all of them are at various stages of learning to surf/boogie board. You will have fun for life.

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