
Can an 18 year old adopt a 17 year old?

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Can an 18 year old adopt a 17 year old?




  1. It may be possible if you are siblings and the 18 year old can provide for the 17 year old. Contact an attorney to find out for sure.

  2. That's crazy!!! Why would you adopt someone that you could be in a relationship with? The 17-year-old needs to just wait 1 year until they become legal.  

  3. I don't think so they will be a adult in a year why would they need to be adopted and by someon only a year older than them

  4. I doubt it, unless they are your siblings...

  5. Nooo.

  6. Probably can't adopt until 21, depending on state law, but might be able to be appointed as a guardian.

  7. Maybe if it was a sibling, but they'd probally age out before all the paper work was finished.

  8. You should just ask her to be your girlfriend.....

  9. No

  10. no. and if u kud.... thatd b weird...

  11. no you have to be 21 to adopt , and you cant be adopted if your over 16 because at 16 you can legally move out and live your life.

  12. well, i'll tell you why not. it would be more like a brother or sister than a son or daughter. and the teenager would seriously think of you that way, so don't do it. i roccomend not doing that.

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