
Can an 18 year old join the army without parents permission

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If the 18 year old signed papers at army office & took oath is there a way out?




  1. 18 is considered legal adult and an 18 yr. old can legally sign a binding contract.  Age is not the loophole to get out of the army.  

  2. Can you vote now? Can you buy cigarettes now? YES!!! Are you a legal adult now? YES! Do you need mommy & daddy's permission now? NO!

    You are a legal adult who has the power to make up their own that you are 18 you can't look to mom & dad to bail you out! Sorry!

    However, if you were going to be regular army (active duty) then you can still back out because you have not left for basic yet and so you have no real "legal" binding agreement... If you were going reserve or guard then you are stuck because your contract begins the day you sign up.

    So, if there is a way out depends on whether you were going active duty or not.

  3. At age 18, you are a legal adult, and once you sign your name to a contract, you're stuck with it!  There are several ways that you can get out of fulfilling your commitment to the Army, but most of them still require you to show up at the appointed time and report for induction.  If you don't show up, you could be considered AWOL, and you could be arrested and put in jail.

    Good Luck!

  4. an 18 year may enter into legal contracts.  so No, you do not need Mum and dad's permission to enlist at 18 and No you cannot just get out of it once you have shipped.    

    the second oath at MEPS is the one that counts for Active Duty purposes.  if you have not shipped out, you can, conceivably,  drop out of DEP. but it is frowned upon..the recruiter won't appreciate you wasting his time.  

  5. Yes at 18, someone can join the military with out parent consent.  It's 17 and under that needs the parent signature.  Ask your army recruiter if there is a way you can reverse the oath.  But be aware, by you backing away, it can cause you from qualifying to join again down the road.  Ask the recruiter what type of things will happen if you get out of your enlistment.  

  6. As an 18 year old you do not need parent or guardian permission to sign a legal and binding contract.

    If the paperwork was signed and the oath taken then.... welcome to the Army

  7. You sound confused,  if you singed papers, and then you have to go to MEPS, and there they give you the contract, and you sign it, but your in the Delayed Entry program,  you dont actually join the military till the day that you ship,  so you have not joined anything, you were just in the preliminary stages,  

    But funny that you want Your parents now to be the excuse to get you out,   You must have thought you were an adult when you went  into the office, and now, You are wanting to call mommy and daddy and say , i am just a minor and you want out,  

    one foot firmly planted in childhood and not ready to be an adult, so it is probably best, that you go in and be honest and get out of the DEP  and grow up a bit,  then  maybe you can make a decision, and stand by it,  

    You might take the time to learn that your word should be your bond,  

    good luck ;)  

  8. You're in the Army now...

    As stated earlier you are now legally bound - eighteen is a legal adult. Your parents are normally a good place to start asking for advice and maybe the last place you should stop for advice after you've talked to everyone else... they've been there and done that....

    You want your parents to look over your enlistment contract....ASAP

  9. Yes

  10. You are now official U.S. Government property. ****=====

  11. You can join on your own, but once your in you gotta keep in with this yearly contract or something like that.  

  12. Yes you can join on your own at 18. If you joined active duty Army, then yes you can leave before taking the second oath. If you joined Reserves, then your screwed because they only take one oath. They will not make it easy for you, and there is no possibility you can. I don't suggest AWOL .... remember the reason that you signed up. If this helps.

  13. Yes.  

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