
Can an Absence be felt so strong that it almost becomes....

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.... Presence ??




  1. i think so cause as soon as you feel the absence you mind and emotions have made it present. dosen't have to be strong. even the slightest feeling of absence will make it present to yourself of course.

  2. That is what the real Goal of Mankind.

    Super  consciousness.

  3. Yes, I think so.  There is more to this life than the tangible.  Actually, I sometimes think the "tangible" is a decoy for what really reigns.  

    It's during those "in between" times when we feel "touched by an angel".

  4. yes, it can. when you miss someone so much, when you think of them all the time, when they are in all your thoughts and in all your feelings... they are with you, in you...

    sadly though, most of the times they are not with you as themselves, but it's the fictional image you create in your mind about them. the image that you fall in love, that you miss... is in fact the reflection of your own thoughts...

    that's why the deceiving when you actually see them. you realize that what you expected them to be (what you invented about them) is not similar to what they actually are... the saddest part is that... it's not them who deceive us, it's us who deceive ourselves.

  5. No.

    It is the opposite that is true. In ones absence ones presence can be felt so deeply that it is as if that person is always there even when they are not. The sum of who you are is there to carry forward. Wet end to wait until someone is missing to feel their presence, but; I tend to feel one is gone when one is there in front of me. I know one day the feeling will be reversed and that makes me sad but in a good way if one can find such away. I try not to look forward to the day that I do not miss someone. That is a terrible day indeed.

  6. Yes, it becomes a presence because you've linked up to the person mentally. In the thought world there is no separation. You can send out your thoughts and instantly contact another, although if they are not in the receptive mode it is more difficult to make the connection complete at that time. There are variables involved of course.

  7. most definitely

  8. And then people accuse you of hallucinations!

    What do they know anyway?

    I agree with you wholeheartedly...the Presence becomes so strong that it occupies your mind completely!!!

  9. It's nice to think so.  The mind is powerful.

  10. That only means you are very much in love....that is a good feeling.

  11. I know what you mean. And yes, it can. As bizarre as it may sound. When my first love and I split, I can clearly recall an emptiness that was so profound it hung upon everything. It was tangible.  

  12. what a question, auntie..i feel like i am answering anca's questions (lol)

    anyway, this is very possible, been there, done that..i even experienced waking up and actually saw the person standing in front of my bed. im talking about my dad actually, it was just an hallucination or a conscious continuation of my dream but it was so real but i wasnt ecstatic about it because once again, my dad dis appeared in front of my face just like what happen few years ago.

  13. Yes, wishing can make that feeling so. ;-)

  14. I believe so, having had an extremely painful loss. His room is now the Family Room.

  15. Yes in a same way when you are silent and all unsopken words could be heard so very loud that it becomes hard to avoid them or misunderstand them.



  16. No, it can't.

    Memories can be very strong, but unless someone is delusional they recognize the pain of absence -far different from the joy of presence.

  17. wow beautifully phrased...

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