
Can an American Male find modest permanent employment on the Pacific Coast of Costa Rica?

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Can an American Male find modest permanent employment on the Pacific Coast of Costa Rica?




  1. You need a passport to go with your WORK VISA and you need to be able to SPEAK SPANISH.. because if you can only talk AmeriKan... you won't be much use to any Costa Rican company that would hire... and they probably wouldn't.

    Personally, I LOVE Costa Rica... I lived in San Jose for about a year and really liked it... It's sort of like living in Denver.. but the mountains are on the wrong side of town

  2. Yes.  When you arrive in Costa Rica, start looking for a job and get a temporary resident visa.  After that, you can apply for a permanent resident visa.  You do this at the Dirección General de Migración y Extranjería.  

    I would think that hotels in the area would be happy to have an employee whose native language is English.  You could also teach English.

    For more information on the legal/administrative aspects, go to:

    Good luck!

  3. The  questions is why would you want to?

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