
Can an American living abroad adopt through the American system?

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I am an American working and living in South Korea. My husband and I would like to adopt a child. We are willing to adopt through the foster care system, are willing to adopt a sibling pair, are willing to adopt a child or children up to the age of four as long as they are physically healthy, and would prefer a non-white child. Based on my research, if we lived in America, with these as our guidelines we could have a child in our home within a year or less. But, we don’t live in America. Is it even possible to adopt from overseas or do we have to move back to the States?




  1. Yes, you can adopt while living in Korea, but it won't be easy.  You will need to get a homestudy there, and also fly here to get one done as well.  And I seriously doubt that any Foster Care system here in the U.S. would allow placement, because they require many personal interviews, and personal contacts with the children first.  However, there are agencies that contract with various states to place children in the system.  You need to go online to photolistings by state, then ask about a specific child, write the Caseworker, and tell them your situation.  Try several states, in case one state isn't able to work with you and another is.  Good luck!!

  2. You absolutely can do a United States Adoption, while living abroad. You will need a homestudy. We live in Japan and used American Adoption Professionals Abroad, for our homestudy. We are doing a domestic adoption through Lifetime Adoption. If you are military, I have heard that certain states, Texas is one, will place foster adopt children with you in your home. You will need to spend a few weeks in the States to get a passport for the child one you have been matched, a judge can order that when you go through the court proceedings. There is a Yahoo Group called Adoption for Americans Abroad, and also if you are military there is a Military Adoption Support Group too I would highly recommend these groups. The are a wealth of knowledge. Adoption while living abroad may be a little more complicated but it can be done!!! Good Luck!!!

  3. there is adoptions all over the world. absolutly you can adopt even if you don't live in america.whoever told you that you were not able to adopt unless you lived in america?have you ever seen the commercials like christian children's funds or anything like that?

  4. Actually yes, and also America is open to foreign adoptions... with many countries... meaning children from US can be placed in England...., etc. Contact an agency. Best of Luck!

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