
Can an Applied Math Major still become a teacher?

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  1. Yes. I was a mathematics major and now am a certified teacher. many states have what is called a resident teacher program or a teaching fellows program which takes subject matter majors and pay for you to get certified. you're a great candidate w/ the math background.

  2. Like others have said..Yes!! Schools are looking for good teachers with knowledge in areas including math, science, art, and special education. Older grades, especially high school, could surely use teachers with in-depth subject-specific knowledge and training.

    Look at teach for america's website for info

  3. YES! Most districts are seeking out math teachers. I know in southern CA you can get an emergency credential as long as you have a BA and have passed the CBEST and CSET tests in Math.

  4. Yes, of course! And certainly anyone with a math field would be welcomed with open arms.

    Check with your school board (public schools). They likely have a program, similar to returning military, that allow for on the job training and certification as long as you are within your degreed subject. You'll have to also take a few supporting classes at the graduate level. I was able to take most of mine online with University of Phoenix.

    Oh, be careful with online courses. Be sure you're going with an accredited school.

    There's also the option pursuing a career with a private school. They make up their own rules depending on how much fundnig they get from the government.

    Don't know what State you're in, so that's all I can offer.

  5. Yes, of course.  There is a big demand for math teachers.  But you may need to go to graduate school to get a teaching credential to teach in public schools.

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