I answered some dudes ad on craigslist, kinda hinting at illegal fantasies of stuff. He started saying he does illegal stuff and has adopted kids. I just asked him what he does with them. Then he stopped emailing. Technically, I can't get in trouble, right? I didn't say I do illegal stuff and now I'm wondering if it's a sting to entrap or entice people to open up, then trace their ip or email addys and search and arrest them if they see illegal stuff. It's happened b4 to me (went away for 2 yrs) - I just have a bberry and try to stay away. I don't have a computer (pc or laptop) - can't afford now and too tempting. What do u guys think? Answer my question and please don't start ridiculing me. A lot of bored young guys get sucked into this stuff and don't realize how serious it is in the eyes of the law. Btw if u know someone who's doing it, and u r friendly with them-tell them stop now and buy a new motherboard. Forget they ever did it and start anew - don't let them throw their lives away!