
Can an Obama supporter give an intelligent response to this?

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The following statement was made last night at the convention by Gov Tom Ridge::: “Now more than ever we need a leader who fits the times — not a candidate who merely thinks it’s his time to lead. For the consideration before us is not about who can take a 3 a.m. call. It’s about who has answered the call throughout his entire life. It’s not about building a record. It’s about having one. It’s not about talking pretty. It’s about talking straight. The challenge of our time is not simply to change. The challenge of our time is to leave nothing to chance.”

I don't think any Obama supporter can make an INTELLIGENT response. I tread on the intelligent word lightly.




  1. So as i see it, your two main points are change and chance.

    Only a republican would think that if calls himself something else, like maverick, then he is not a republican.  His straight talk is anything but straight. he has changed his position on so many issues that he doesn't even support legislation that he sponsored. He has voted along with  bush 90% of the time, so he must think that they are on the right side of the issues.  As for the chance part, he plucked an individual out of obscurity who has little to no experience. He has a temper that is legendary, and one that has made his colleagues uncomfortable.  Lastly he is old.  This is a game for a much younger man.  This should put and end to your wait.

  2. I hear crickets chirping

  3. Those characteristics that Ridge gave are the antithesis of George Bush. And John McCain voted for Bush's policies 95 % of the time.

    Barack Obama is against McCain's and Bush's Ridge has basically given an endorsement to Barack Obama.

  4. 1 -- "Now more than ever we need a leader who fits the times — not a candidate who merely thinks it’s his time to lead."

    This is boilerplate campaigning rhetoric...politicians run for office because politicians want to be in office. McCain isn't an unwilling dupe who got thrust into this position any more than Obama is a megalomaniacal celebutante who just wants to be up there to be on TV.

    2. -- "For the consideration before us is not about who can take a 3 a.m. call. It’s about who has answered the call throughout his entire life."

    McCain has more experience in government positions. This is not a new viewpoint. Since we are asked to ignore his voting record in other speeches, this is meant to be a compelling and sage statement.

    3. -- "It’s not about building a record. It’s about having one."

    See #2 above.

    4. -- "It’s not about talking pretty. It’s about talking straight."

    This statement is aimed at making Republicans seem "down-to-earth" and Democrats seem effete and elitist. Again, nothing new here.

    5. -- "The challenge of our time is not simply to change. The challenge of our time is to leave nothing nothing to chance."

    These two sentences don't go together logically. Without more supporting statements, this is simply pulpit preaching, shouting statements with keywords that will get an "Amen!" from the crowd without looking too deeply into what is actually being said. More standard campaign speechifying.

    I hope this helps.

    ***Please also note that in answering your question, I did not malign your intelligence, your opinion, your candidate, or your politics. Perhaps extending that same courtesy to others will lead to pleasant discourse and less strained relations in the future.

  5. i'd just like to say that Brian D is a rare bird on this forum.  WELL DONE.

  6. What response?  Read it again.  It's empty platitudes.

    What's it say?  McCain is going to keep doing what he's doing the past few years, which is stay the same.

    I don't want that.

    Is Obama older than dirt. No.  Has he been a POW?  No.  Has Obama led his adult life in service to the people and government. Yes.  Is he smart and have the commonsense to lead.  Yes.  Does he have a history of working hard and with the other party? Yes.

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