
Can an STD be detected on a pap smear?

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Would an std be detected on a pap smear?




  1. It can find the earliest signs of cervical cancer - a common cancer in women. If caught early, the chance of curing cervical cancer is very high. Pap tests also can find infections and abnormal cervical cells that can turn into cancer cells. During exam your doctor may discover the signs of some STDs, but Pap smear is not designed to diagnose STDs.

  2. No but they use the same sample to test specified types of STD...if you dont tell them to do a STD they wont be able to test it....

  3. No because the pap only tests for cervical cancer. You can ask for an std test at this appt. and the doc swipes you with a q-tip like swab. SOme std's are only detected by getting your blood drawn such as HIV so you can also request a STD panel to be drawn when you get tested for that too.  

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